Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3391: She is already someone else's bride

Xia Xing twisted his eyebrows, "Is there any way to recover?"

Rong Yan thought for a while, "I can feel a power hovering in her head. If you want to recover, it's not impossible, it's just..."

Before she could finish her words, a few knocks from outside the door interrupted her.

An Ziqi got up to open the door.

Huo Siting stood outside the door and said to An Ziqi, "Can I talk to the face for a while?"

An Ziqi turned her head to look at Yan Yan, and stepped aside to aside, "Yang Yan."

She didn't know Huo Si Ting, and she didn't know what the relationship between him and appearance was.

But those who can appear and find here at this time must not be ordinary people.

The most likely is Yun Yi's rival in love.

Rong Yan looked up, got up busy, and nodded to An Ziqi.

It is not convenient for her to go out in this situation.

Xia Xing also got up when he saw this, "You talk, Ziqi and I will go outside first."

After saying hello to Rong Yan, they went out with An Ziqi.

Rong Yan looked at him, bit her lower lip, and said, "You are here."

Huo Si Ting did a lot for her, and he was always by her side during the most difficult period of her injury.

Even if she was misunderstood by Yun Yi and injured in a conflict with Yun Yi, she still had no complaints and had never asked her for anything.


Huo Siting responded and looked at her with a smile, "You are beautiful today."

"Yes? I was in a rush for a while, and my nervous palms were sweating."

The face was a little embarrassed to speak.

Huo Si Ting couldn't help laughing, she was honest in front of him.

She laughed and said, "Don't be nervous, you are beautiful enough, Yun Yi is the one who should be nervous.

Maybe wait for you to go out in a while, how many people want to get married after being seen by a man outside. "

Rongyan was also amused by him, "How can it be such an exaggeration, you sit here."

Huo Siting smiled and shook his head, "I just want to come and see you and see what you look like in your wedding dress.

If I sit down, somebody's vinegar tank will fall down in a while, and I will kill someone soon. "

Yan Yan also pursed her lips and smiled, "Ziqi said just now that I can't meet with him before getting married.

There are so many elders outside, so he probably can't get in today. "

With that guy's temperament, if it weren't for the elders to not allow him outside, he would have already run in, and he hasn't come here yet.

Huo Siting chuckled, "Isn't it an honor for me? Before him, I became the first man to see you in a wedding dress."

He smiled, "It's just a piece of clothing."

"That's different."

Huo Siting raised his lips, "I remember that your starry sky dress last time was also the first I saw.

If you count it this way, I am your number one number one. "

The face smiled helplessly and nodded, "Yes."

Huo Siting stood there, looking at the happy smile on her face, and the satisfied gaze in her eyes.

He knew that her happiness and joy were not because of his arrival, but because of Yun Yi.

Because today is the day they get married.

He had imagined countless times what their lives would be like if he and his face were together.

He will work hard to love her, care for her, and do everything he can to prevent her from being wronged.

However, his wish will never be realized.

Today, she is already someone else's bride.

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