Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3454: The difference between love and not love

He just faced him with a crazy and weird smile, and said in a voice, "Even if you don't care about An Ziqi, don't you care about your son and your daughter?"

"You think you can guard her, but what if you can't? If you forget everything, don't you remember her?"

Xiao Moli's pupils tightened in an instant, his hands were slightly loosened, and he said coldly, "Han Mengxue, what do you mean?"

Han Mengxue was finally able to breathe, took a deep breath, her blue complexion improved a lot in an instant.

Looking at him with a smile, "What do you mean? That's what you heard.

Do you think that the cause and effect of Heaven's Dao will return to its original path, and only An Ziqi will be affected?

She took away everything that did not belong to her, and now everything will return to its original place, and everything that does not belong to her will eventually leave her.

You are so, and so are your children. "

Xiao Moli took a breath, suppressing his murderous intent.

"Han Mengxue, what do you want?"

Han Mengxue raised her lips and smiled, raised her hand and pushed Xiao Moli away from the hand holding her neck, put her hand on his shoulder, and leaned against his.

He closed his eyes and took a slight breath, then opened his eyes and looked at him, "You ask me what I want?

Xiao Moli, don't you really understand my intentions?

What I want is naturally you. "

Xiao Moli waved her directly to the ground not far away, looking at her with disgust in his eyes.

"Your mind, I don't need to understand.

I feel sick when I see a woman like you.

I will not, nor can I leave An Ziqi and stay with you.

So, you still die this heart as soon as possible.

Think about what you want, and tell me when you think about it. "

Han Mengxue gritted her teeth, a flash of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, "Xiao Moli, where is she so good? Make you love her so desperately?

How can I not compare to An Ziqi? "

"It's not that she is good, but in my eyes, she is the best.

It's not just you, all the women in the world add up to her toe. "

Xiao Moli spoke without hesitation.

Han Mengxue bit her lower lip hard and looked down at the place where her hand was broken.

Sure enough, it was the difference between love and not love. Last time An Ziqi fell from the coercion, only to bruise, Xiao Moli almost wanted to kill, and everyone related to her was implicated.

When facing her, he hurt her again and again without hesitation.

Thinking of the lives of the two exchanged, thinking that all the favors that should have belonged to her were robbed, Han Mengxue's hatred for An Ziqi was even stronger.

Use your hands to support your body and get up from the ground.

Facing Xiao Moli hardly speaking, "Then I also tell you, unless you leave her, not only her, but also you and your children, none of them can escape."

A stern look flashed across Xiao Moli's face, he lifted his hand to open the drawer in front of him, took out a gun, and neatly pulled down the bolt, and was about to shoot Han Mengxue.

The phone on the table rang suddenly.

Tang Xiaoqin has been with Xiao Moli for so many years, and has dealt with more things for him, so this kind of scene is naturally not afraid.

He raised his eyes and looked at the phone on the table. After seeing the name on it, he hurriedly reached out and picked up the phone, and said to Xiao Moli, "Mr. Xiao, it's Mrs. Xiao."

The youngest lady is the biggest!

Xiao Moli pursed his lips and glanced at Han Mengxue, then put down the gun in his hand, "Give it to me."

Tang Xiaoqin hurriedly stepped forward and handed him the phone.

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