Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3515: You are the rest of your life, and you are the rest of your life (7)

According to An Ziqi, it took only five minutes from her departure to her return.

With so many surveillances in the hotel, as long as he leaves, he will definitely leave a trace on the surveillance.

Tang Xiaoqin came in panting from outside.

After seeing Chen Jun, he greeted him hurriedly, and then said to the two of them, "The hotel has been sealed off, and everyone and all the rooms in it are being checked."

An Ziqi nodded, and after greeting Chen Jun, she took Tang Xiaoqin directly downstairs.

Take the people personally, check all the hotel guests one by one, check all the hotel rooms one by one.

An entire twenty-ninth floor of the hotel, with hundreds of rooms, An Ziqi kept checking until the next morning.

There is always no clue.

When Chen Jun found her, An Ziqi was still looking for the room on the 26th floor.

Tang Xiaoqin followed behind her and looked at her worriedly.

One night passed, the cut in her hand was crusted and cracked, and the dried blood was layered on top of each other, looking shocking.

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows and looked at her hand, then looked at her haggard, her eyes flushed, and her lips pursed, "Go back and rest first, and leave it to me."

An Ziqi shook her head slightly, "I have reached the twenty-sixth floor, and the third floor can be checked. I have to find him."

Chen Jun sighed. An Ziqi usually looks soft and cute. In fact, like Xiao Moli, he is the most stubborn and toughest.

"Even if you don't think for yourself, you have to think about Xiao Ai.

When you go back, she will be scared when she sees you like this.

Moreover, if you fall tired, what will she do? "

Hearing Xiao Ai, An Ziqi paused.

"I know."

To Chen Jun's expectation, An Ziqi was sensible and scary, and did not insist on continuing to search here.

But after greeted him, he left directly.

Her hand was injured. How dare Tang Xiaoqin let her drive back again? First, he drove her to the hospital, dealt with the injury on her hand, and then sent her home.

An Ziqi sat behind the car, "How about the monitoring side? Did you find any clues?"

Tang Xiaoqin pursed her lips, glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and carefully replied, "The surveillance on the sixth floor was previously turned off. So far, apart from the image of Mr. Xiao entering the hotel, there are no other surveillance clues. "

An Ziqi closed her eyes and said nothing. As long as they leave the hotel, it is impossible to have no clues in the surveillance, and there is only one possibility of not finding them. Someone tampered with the monitoring.

She only hates that she doesn't have the level of hackers like Xiao Moli and Xiao Yining, and can't find and restore the tampered surveillance by herself.

"The news is blocked, the company is operating as usual, and those who need to sign come to me."

"I see." Tang Xiaoqin replied.

When An Ziqi returned home, Xiao Qianai had already gotten up, and the nanny was taking her for breakfast in the dining room.

Seeing her come back, she got up to say hello, An Ziqi nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and stepped forward with a soft expression.

Raising his hand and squeezing her little face, "Little Ai."

Xiao Qian'ai raised her head and glanced at her, but then pouted her small mouth instantly and glanced at her vigilantly.

Then the little **** moved aside on the chair a few times, away from her.

The little vigilant eyes in the stranger seemed to be looking at a stranger who didn't know him at all and met for the first time.

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