Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3538: You are the rest of your life, and you are the rest of your life (33)

When they went there to be happy and happy, Yun Yi and the others were going to be alone and sad in a beaming atmosphere.

Although Yun Yi and Chen Jun were friends of Xiao Moli, she never regarded them as outsiders.

She hopes that when they are sad, they will be accompanied by their friends.

Besides, Little Mango is only a child after all, it is too cruel to leave him deserted at home.

In the end, he shook his head and rejected the proposal to go to the Christmas Village together.

It was originally just a festival, and it doesn't matter where you spend it.

If you want to see snow, there will be opportunities in the future.

Xiao Moli listened to her thoughts, and didn't say much, just nodded and said okay.

Xia Xing and Jia Yin also had no opinion.

Anyway, they just wanted more people to be together and lively. It didn't matter where they were.

After discussing with Xia Xing and Jiayin, An Ziqi finally decided to spend Christmas together at An Ziqi's house.

The wound in her heart has not fully recovered and she needs to recuperate.

Xiao Moli took care of all the preparations, and she was not allowed to interfere.

An Ziqi said helplessly, "I have almost recovered. Don't you always treat me as a porcelain doll? How can I be so squeamish."

Xiao Moli raised his eyebrows to look at her, and said quietly, "For half a year."

An Ziqi's lips twitched fiercely, and Xiao Chen said that he was not allowed to be beasts within half a year, and this guy is still obsessed with this.

Turning his head silently, pretending that he didn't understand anything, and didn't understand anything.

For the next few days, An Ziqi kept resting at home, and Xiao Moli almost prevented her from leaving the door.

Xiao Yining and Xiao Qianai stay with her at home every day. The two little guys, one on the left and the other, follow her day and night like the two guardians on the left and right.

Xiao Moli had no chance to get close to her, and was always cheated by the two little guys.

A handsome face has long been darkened to the bottom of the pot.

Between the cheating fathers of the two little guys and Xiao Moli's various rants, Christmas soon arrived.

A large Christmas tree was placed in the corner of the villa’s living room.

All kinds of shiny trinkets and toys are hung on it.

There are piles of large and small gift boxes underneath.

It was the first time for Xiao Qian'ai to spend Christmas at home, and she was running up and downstairs in excitement.

Xia Xing, Yun Tian, ​​Jia Yin and Ye Wuge came first with Xiao Tian and Xiao Ye Zi.

The home became more lively in an instant, Xiao Qianai himself was still small, and brought two smaller ones behind.

Like a big sister, directing the little ones to crawl around on the carpet.

The little hand pointed at Ye Wuge, and the little milk yelled, "Bite him."

The three little dots all besieged Ye Wuge in an instant.

Ye Wuge couldn't help crying when he looked at the three small dots coming.

They are all darlings, if you hide back, you are likely to fall to them.

What else can he do besides letting them bite? He is also desperate.

The two young, one leaped up to hold one leg, bowed left and right, opened his small mouth and groaned, biting Ye Wuge's leg.

While biting, not forgetting to turn around to ask Xiao Qianai for praise.

Xiao Qian'ai reached out with satisfaction and rubbed the two little heads, and then continued to direct them to pounce towards Xiao Moli.

The corners of Xiao Moli's lips twitched, and his daughter's small-spirited and commanding appearance would be a proper little devil in the future.

Several men are in charge of the work.

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