Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3545: Raw rice to cook mature rice, give birth to him a football team

He is not afraid of looking, not afraid of giving up everything, nothing, he is afraid that she will avoid him.

There are thousands of rivers and mountains, and there is a huge sea of ​​people. It is easy to hide from someone, but it is too difficult to find someone.

But he knew that, no matter what, he would not give up.

He pursed his lower lip, "I know."

"It's good to know. Although Grandpa Chen opposes, he always takes the road by himself. As long as he persists, there is always hope.

Uncle Chen was much harder than you back then. He gave up everything for love and left his hometown.

Even if Grandpa Chen doesn't approve it, they will come back one day. "

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows and patted him on the shoulder. "If it doesn't work, you can just cook rice and cook mature rice when you find someone, and give him a football team. I don't believe Grandpa Chen sees a large group of grandchildren paying him back. Will disagree."

Chen Jun's lips twitched, "I think, I can't find anyone to cooperate."

Xiao Moli, Ye Wuge, and Yuntian all have sons, and even the unreliable Yunyi has a son.

It wasn't that he had never thought of catching the little girl to give birth to a son, but after searching for more than half a year, he has not found the slightest clue to Huang Ying.

Yun Yi touched her chin, "Little Huang Ying is hiding and refuses to come out, so you can trick her out."

"What do you mean?" Chen Jun curled his eyebrows to look at him.

"When did you become so stupid?"

Yun Yi sighed and spoke in disgust.

"You can post a news about getting married to stimulate her. As long as Xiao Huangying has feelings for you, she will definitely come to see you secretly.

When the time comes, the net will be laid and the people will be arrested directly. "

"Your idea is as bad as your own." Chen Jun disliked it.

With Huang Ying's character, when he heard that he was about to get married, not only would he not come back, but he would probably go further.

Never see him again in this life.

Yun Yi gave him a white look, so stupid that he couldn't think of a way, and he dared to dislike him.

If it wasn't for the brothers' sake, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Then you will pretend to be dead, come in a car accident, be paralyzed, fall down the stairs, and be washed away by the flood in the earthquake relief.

In short, just do whatever it takes to be miserable. "

"You can go out directly."

Chen Jun glanced at him coolly, and suddenly smelled a burning smell.

He turned his head hurriedly, quickly turned off the microwave, opened the door, and pulled the turkey out of it.

Looking at the turkey whose half of the body had been scorched, the black line couldn't help falling from the forehead.

Xiao Qianai's little bit of chicken drumsticks is his favorite, but now he is scorched by him.

It was all Yun Yi, turning around to scold him, only to find that the culprit had already escaped.

Looking at the horrible turkey handcuffed in front of him, if he hides the whole chicken, Xiao Qianai will probably treat him as a roast chicken.

Pursing his lower lip, Chen Jun decisively picked up the knife on the side and cut off the whole half of the grilled chicken.

After some tossing, dinner is finally ready to be served.

Xiao Qian'ai's eyes looked at the target turkey for the first time.

"Daddy Chen, the nest wants to eat chicken legs."

Chen Jun casually picked up the knife and fork, cut the chicken leg and placed it on the plate in front of her.

Xiao Qianai stretched out a little finger, pointed at the chicken leg on his plate, and then pointed at Xiao Tiantian not far away, "This, for brother."

Pointing to the turkey on the plate again, "It's so spicy."

Chen Jun calmly said, "My brother doesn't like chicken drumsticks, Xiao Ai eats it himself."

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