Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3548: I don't have a cold-blooded husband like you

Raised his hand and gently stroked it, took out the phone and dialed a number.

"Do one thing for me."

On the other side of the phone, after listening to his request, Lang Feng woke up from his doze in an instant, his eyes almost staring out.

He took the phone away from his ear, looked in front of him and looked at it. After confirming in every possible way that the person calling him was Chen Jun, he took a deep breath.

"Mayor Chen, are you sure you really want to do this?"

"En." Chen Jun answered indifferently over there.

Lang Feng couldn't help but have a headache, "What did Mr. Chen say over there."

This matter was known to Mr. Chen, and he would definitely scold him for ridiculous pranks.

At that time, not only Mayor Chen will be unlucky, even he will have no good fruit to eat.

Chen Jun pursed his lips and was silent for a moment, "Needless to say."

Poof, Lang Feng's headache instantly became even worse, "Mayor Chen, or else, would you think about it again?"

"Execute the order." Chen Jun finished speaking and hung up.

Lang Feng is in tears, this time he will be completely finished!

Early the next morning.

After An Ziqi got up to wash, she went downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.

Xiao Qianai went crazy too late last night and probably won't get up until noon.

Xiao Yining was by the side, slowly spreading the jam on the toast, and then delivered it to An Ziqi.

An Ziqi stretched out her hand to take a bite, and took out her mobile phone to scan the news habitually.

Xiao Moli put the hot milk in front of her, reached out to grab her mobile phone, "eat something first."

An Ziqi smiled and took the phone and avoided his hand, "I'll look at it for a while."

Xiao Moli had no choice but to take the milk to her lips.

An Ziqi didn't even lift her head, and took a sip in cooperation.

Holding the toast in one hand, the other hand skillfully opens the browser news page.

The next second, "Puff"

An Ziqi just drank the milk in the mouth and spewed out.

On the phone screen, a big news headline.

There was a rare snowfall in S city last night for a hundred years. Mayor Chen unfortunately encountered a car accident on his way home, and his life was on the line!

There is also a shocking picture below.

It was a car crashed in heavy snow that was completely unrecognizable. Through the broken window glass, you could vaguely see the blood on the driver's seat inside.

An Ziqi squeezed, and immediately got up from the dining chair, pulling Xiao Moli and going out.

"Mo Li, Chen Jun had a car accident last night. He is in a critical condition and is still being rescued.

Let's go over quickly, you call Xiao Chen and ask him to fly back quickly. "

Xiao Moli calmly went to the dining table to smoke a tissue and wiped the milk on his face.

Then he held her back and pulled her back to the seat, "Don't worry, you can't die. You can eat breakfast quickly."

An Ziqi stared at him in disbelief, gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand to pinch his face, "Do you still have humanity?

Chen Jundu is dying in a car accident, and you are still in the mood to have breakfast at home.

I don't have a cold-blooded husband like you. "

Chen Jun was invited by her yesterday to drive to their house to spend Christmas together.

Now, with such a serious car accident on the way home, how could she stay at home and eat breakfast in a warm and comfortable home.

With that said, let go of Xiao Moli, and when he got up, he had to go by himself.

Xiao Moli had no choice but to pull her back again, "You take a good look at that car."

An Ziqi looked at it again inexplicably, "What's wrong with the car? It's miserable."

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