Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3551: For her, the first confrontation

However, she did not come as she had imagined.

The entire hospital has long been kept tightly guarded by his people. As long as Huang Ying shows up, he will definitely be discovered the first time.

She has five ways to escape.

There is still no news from Langfeng, so she...

Chen Jun's thin lips have been pressed into a straight line.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, An Ziqi and Jiayin dragged on for a long time, and finally it was time to go home.

According to common sense, the first time Huang Ying saw this news, even if she doubted the authenticity of the news, she would definitely try to secretly confirm it.

Seeing the expression on Chen Jun's face that had sunk.

Jiayin said hurriedly, "Little Huang Ying may be far away, so there is no time to come back today.

Maybe she was abroad before, and she is now on the plane coming back.

Maybe you wake up tomorrow morning and you can see her as soon as you open your eyes. "

An Ziqi and Xia Xing also nodded busily, "Yes."

Everyone knew exactly why Chen Jun released such news.

They didn't expect that Little Huang Ying hadn't come even now.

An Ziqi is very suspicious, is it because the little Huang Ying used a human skin mask?

Anyway, if she saw Xiao Moli's news, even if she suspected that it was false, she would definitely come to confirm it immediately.

Turning his head to look at Xiao Moli with questioning eyes.

Xiao Moli shook his head slightly and said nothing.

With Xiao Huangying's contacts, he shouldn't know people at this level.

Moreover, all people who enter and exit the hospital today have strict entry and exit registration records.

Everyone will go through several inspections, if Huang Ying comes, it is impossible to hide it.

Chen Jun remained silent.

After everyone left, let Langfeng bring all the monitoring records of the hospital today.

I carefully checked the walking posture, height and dress of each person who came in and out.

The phone at hand rang.

Chen Jun took a look and directly pressed the hang up button.

Lang Feng was frightened over there, and sure enough, the next moment, the phone he had pinched for a day finally rang.

Lang Feng was about to cry, and he swiped the answer button in a busy and respectful manner.

"The chief."

"Open the speakerphone on the phone, so that your mayor can hear it clearly.

Lang Feng gave Chen Jun a cry without tears, and honestly turned on the speakerphone.

"Now, you pack your things immediately, and from tomorrow, you will be transferred back to the capital."

Over there, Old Man Chen directly hung up after speaking.

Lang Feng glanced at the hung-up phone in his hand tremblingly, and said to Chen Jun, "Mayor Chen, do you want me to go back and clean it up for you now..."

"No need to."

Chen Jun directly refused, his eyes drooping slightly, making it impossible to see the look in his eyes.

Lang Feng, "But Chief Chen said, I want you..."

"You are my subordinate, not his." Chen Jun said directly.

Obviously, I was going to confront Old Chen, and I didn't mean to go back in the slightest.

Lang Feng was about to cry, and they all said that confidantes caused troubles, which seemed to be true.

Because Mayor Chen's father left his hometown, Mayor Chen grew up with Mr. Chen since he was a child.

He almost obeyed Mr. Chen's words. For so many years, he had never defied any of his intentions.

Even if he hadn't thought about going into politics at the beginning, he still embarked on this path resolutely for the sake of the Chen family and the hope of Mr. Chen.

Now it is for the little Huang Ying to fight against Old Chen for the first time!

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