Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3553: In your heart, love is so long (2)

Mr. Chen never mentioned the transfer, nor did he call him again.

Jiayin and Ye Wuge never talked to him about Huang Ying ever since.

Chen Jun worked hard at the city hall as usual, staying there almost busy late at night, almost day and night.

Almost never went back to the villa.

Everything seemed to be back to the beginning, when Huang Ying had never appeared.

In a blink of an eye, four years have passed.

town Hall.

Chen Jun sat at his desk and signed the name on the last document in front of him.

Lang Feng hurriedly walked in from the outside, "Mayor Chen, everything has been packed, the ticket has been booked, and the plane is at 7 o'clock in the evening.

You can get to the capital around ten o'clock. "

Chen Jun nodded and gave a good grace.

Chen Jun took a peek at him and saw that there was no discomfort on his face, and then he spoke.

"Mayor Chen, you will be transferred to the capital tomorrow. Today is your last day as mayor of S City.

The colleagues in the city hall said that I would like to invite you to lunch together and see you off. "

Chen Jun's eyes drooped slightly, and he glanced at everything familiar in front of him.

He has worked here for eight years, and everything about him is here.

He is not a stone. It is false to say that he is right here, and he has no feelings for the people here.


He pursed his lower lip, "I have something to do, thank you for me, and we will come back next time."

Lang Feng listened to him, watched him hesitate to speak.

Four years later, he thought that after something like that happened, he would forget it over time.

However, he has never forgotten one day.

He thought he had decided to transfer, so he chose to start over.

I sighed in my heart, but there was no answer.

Chen Jun sorted out his things for the last time.

After leaving the city hall, I got in the car directly. After buying a bunch of flowers at a flower shop, I drove towards the southern suburbs.

The car gradually came out of the city and drove on a green mountain road on both sides.

The mountain road is very quiet, and you can hear the chirping and flapping sounds of birds outside the car.

Twenty minutes later, a black solemn stone gate appeared in front of him.

Chen Jun parked the car on the side of the road, reached out and took the flowers from the co-pilot next to him, turned and walked towards Shimen.

Passing through the rows of stone steles, finally stopped in front of one of the steles.

Put the flowers in his hands in front of the stele.

He bent over and bowed at the stele.

Then stretched out his hand and took out the handkerchief from her pocket and gently wiped the dust off her tombstone.

Three days later was Huang Ying's mother's death day. For the previous four years, he would personally come to worship on every year's death day.

At the beginning, he had also vaguely wondered if he would encounter her during the worship.

Therefore, every stay in the cemetery is a whole day.

However, as time passed year by year, he didn't have any thoughts about it anymore.

She must be so unfeeling and hate him, in order to avoid him, even her mother's death day has never appeared.

He lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

Standing in front of the tombstone and staying quietly for a long time.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, the plane was about to take off in two hours, and Chen Jun finally bent and bowed in front of the tombstone, turned and left.

Get in the car and drive down the mountain.

On a mountain road that wasn't too spacious, a black car went retrograde.

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