Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3565: In your heart, love is so long (15)

Over the years, he had become accustomed to living for others until Huang Ying appeared.

"Naughty, there is no one in front of the country. Now you immediately book me a ticket for the nearest flight. I want to see you on board before the afternoon.

Otherwise, I will have someone remove your position right now. "

Old Chen was extremely angry, and there was a loud clap on the table directly from the phone.

Chen Jun pursed his lips, "If you want to withdraw, then withdraw, I won't go back."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

At about noon, Lang Feng ran in from outside with a stack of documents in his hand.

"Boss, I found it."

While talking, quickly handed the information in his hand to Chen Jun's hands.

"Gu Rui entered from City A ten minutes ago, and his departure place was in Country L.

I have checked the information in Italy. Although there is no record of Xiao Huangying, there are still some Gu Rui left. "

When Chen Jun heard the name Xiao Huangying, his eyes that were originally slightly drooping directly lifted up and threw a slash at Lang Feng.

Lang Feng touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and he was also quick to talk about the abdomen in his heart on weekdays.

The boss's possessiveness is really not ordinary strong.

"At present, he has not found his real estate information, it should be registered under someone else's name.

I have asked Yunxiao's branch in Italy to check it out. It should be possible to check everything by tonight at the latest.

Gu Rui's flight from City A to City S is at 10 o'clock and will arrive at City S airport at 11:30. "

Chen Jun squeezed the phone tightly and tightly.

The sharp shards of the screen pierced his palm, sending bursts of tingling pain.

But he didn't care at all.

There was a long silence.

Lang Feng looked up and was about to ask if he should take someone to the airport to arrest Gu Rui.

Then he saw Chen Jun holding a mobile phone with a broken screen.

On the dark table, there was a pool of dried blood, and the blood on his palm was still dripping down.

Lang Feng couldn't help but startled, and said hurriedly, "Boss, you are injured. I will find someone to help you deal with it right away."

"No, you go out first."

Chen Jun spoke directly.

Lang Feng glanced at the wound, it shouldn't be serious.

"Boss, do you want me to take someone to the airport immediately to wait for Gu Rui, and when he gets off the plane, I will catch him directly."

Even if he dared to **** a woman with the boss, and abducted Xiao Huangying for so many years, he really didn't think he could live long enough.

"No." Chen Jun shook his head slightly.

Originally, Lang Feng still had to speak. Seeing the exhaustion and gloomy expression in Chen Jun's eyes, he hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to say.

"The boss, take a break first, and call me if you have something to do."

Chen Jun nodded, with Gu Rui's character, there was no need for him to take action. After getting off the plane, he would definitely go straight to him.

He glanced at the broken phone in his hand, opened the drawer and put it in.

Seeing the blood on his hand, he got up and wanted to go to the lounge.

There was a sudden dizziness in his head.

The body shook involuntarily, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand to support the table beside him.

After the dizziness in his mind gradually passed, he raised his leg and walked into the lounge.

During this period of time, he had to deal with a lot of things because of the transfer to the capital.

For half a month in a row, sleep time is no more than three hours every night, and working all night is the norm.

Even those who beat them with iron will be overwhelmed.

He glanced at the person on the screen again.

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