Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3569: In your heart, love is so long (19)

Of course, the result was obvious. He was caught directly by Chen Jun's side.

"Since three months is not enough, then shut down for three years. Director Qin, take the people back."

When Huang Ying heard this, she became anxious, "Chen Jun, you **** Mayor, if you shut me down, I will really jump off the building to show you."

"Despite the jump, this is the hospital, and the most important thing is the patients." Chen Jun's cold voice did not fluctuate.

Holding her wrist in his hand, he walked out.

"Let go of me, bastard, I won't go back."

Huang Ying couldn't beat or scold him, and subconsciously, just like he had dealt with Chen Jun before, he rushed over, hugged Chen Jun's thigh, and yelled at the surroundings.

"Help, the **** mayor abused his power to rob civilian girls..."

Director Qin next to him heard these words and couldn't help but chuckle and laugh.

No wonder Mayor Chen, who has never been close to women, is special to her, this little girl is really interesting.

Not only dared to scold the **** mayor, but also dared to hold his thigh.

With other girls, who would dare to do this?

Chen Jun glanced over, and Director Qin closed his mouth hurriedly, tightening the expression on his face.

Strive to synchronize with the Lord Mayor.

Looking at the little girl who hugged her thighs on the ground, Chen Jun couldn't help but think of the first meeting between the two.

She also rushed in from the door and hugged his thigh in the same posture.

It happened to be stupid to ask An Ziqi and the others where he is.

That group of people laughed at him privately for a long time.

Thinking of this, the look on his face could not help but soften.

"You get me up."

"I won't get up, you **** mayor, beast mayor, rogue mayor, why are you shutting me down?

You are abusing your power! ! ! "

Huang Ying looked up at his angrily opening.

She didn't realize how ambiguous and intimate she was holding Chen Jun's thigh at this moment.

Chen Jun looked at her so shamelessly, and his forehead jumped.

The anger in my heart has been suppressed a lot, and I was about to reach out and pull her up.

A figure suddenly rushed up from behind, raised his hand, and slammed Chen Jun's face fiercely.

Then quickly stepped forward and pulled Huang Ying from the ground.

Anxiously asked, "How are you?

Does your stomach still hurt? "

Huang Ying looked at the person in front of him with a blue nose, swollen lips, blood stains on the clothes in front of him.

I couldn't help exclaiming, "Brother Gu Rui? Why are you injured?"

Gu Rui glanced at Chen Jun who was opposite.

"I'm fine, let's go."

Chen Jun was holding Huang Ying in his hand, fearing that he would fall to her if he suddenly let go, but did not resist, and his fist hit his face directly.

After seeing Gu Rui, there was anger in his heart. Huang Ying's affectionate brother Gu Rui completely frozen the softness on his face.

"Let her go."

Gu Rui pulled Huang Ying behind him and snorted coldly, "You don't want me to let go in this life."

Huang Ying looked at the tense atmosphere between the two, without thinking about it, and immediately guessing what was going on.

Gu Rui must have found Chen Jun's place, and the two of them moved their hands.

Seeing that the two were about to start their hands again.

Huang Ying gritted his teeth and hurriedly stepped forward and stopped in front of Gu Rui.

She never thought that after four years, she met Chen Jun when she returned to the parliament.

I didn't even think that things would develop like this.

Gu Rui has been dragged down by her for so many years, and even willing to give up all of Gu's family.

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