Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3579: Got into big trouble (2)

"Miss Huang, you have caused great trouble for the company. We have already transferred all your remuneration for the next six months to your bank card.

You'd better leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. "

"Manager, please make it clear, what trouble did I cause to the company."

Huang Ying asked inexplicably.

Even if it is dead, at least let her understand it dead.

Paul obviously didn't intend to answer her.

Waving directly at the security personnel, people blasted her and all of her things out of the company.

Looking at the street where people came and went, Huang Ying bent over with a headache and picked up her belongings on the ground, and went back to her car speechlessly.

She is not a schoolmaster. When she first went abroad, her English was so bad that she had difficulty communicating with her roots.

Later, in order to survive, I had to make up for a long time in English, and I couldn't find a person to practice dialogue, and sometimes I talked to the street beggars.

Later, after numerous setbacks, I finally found a job as a small assistant in this company.

She couldn't figure it out. When she asked for leave before, Paul also said that she had performed well in the past two years and was about to give her a salary increase.

Why did she get into a big trouble for the company when she came back from a trip, and she wanted to expel her and drive her away?

After thinking about her work before leaving, she can be sure that she has handled every job, and there is absolutely no trouble.

What exactly do Paul's words mean?

What trouble did she cause to the company?

Let the company not hesitate to compensate her for six months' salary, but also fire her?

After thinking about it in the car for most of the morning, my head was almost broken, and I didn't think of a reason.

Fortunately, compared to deducting full attendance, the company at least compensated her for the next half of the year's salary, so that she and Xiaobao and Xiaobei would not temporarily eat soil.

It can be regarded as a little comfort.

Helpless, had to drive home.

Gu Rui has gone to work.

When the two little guys saw her back, they couldn't help being a little strange.

Long Xiaobei hurriedly stepped forward, reached out to catch the things in her hand, and moved aside.

"Mummy, is the company on vacation today? Why are you back at this time?"

Huang Ying stretched his hand over Long Xiaobei depressed, and squeezed his fleshy little face with both hands indiscriminately.

He rubbed his small face and deformed it. Then he let go and poked his lips and replied, "The company said I was in trouble and fired me."

"What's the trouble?" Long Xiaobei asked curiously with a small face upside down to match his mommy's ravages.

"I don't know." Huang Ying replied helplessly.

Long Xiaobei's little face rubbed her palm to comfort her, "Huh, my mummy is the best mummy in the world. They don't want you to be a loss to their company.

One day they will regret it. "

Huang Ying was amused by him, and squeezed his small face, "You are going to eat dirt with me in the future."

Long Xiaobei patted her chest, "Don't worry, Mommy, I will support you."

Long Xiaobao nodded, "Well, we will support you."

The task he took on the dark web before finally got a commission of two million dollars.

In fact, with his current ability, he can feed his mom and brother.

She doesn't need to go out to work at all.

Moreover, Mommy has worked so hard for him these years, and he doesn't want her to go out to work hard anymore.

However, these things cannot be told to her yet.

After waiting a few days, he just finds any reason to give her the money.

(Five change today, the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, okay~)

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