Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3590: Is this the child's father?

The doctor replied, taking a look at Gu Rui behind him, "This is the child's father?"

"No." Huang Ying shook his head hurriedly.

Gu Rui couldn't help but darken the look in her eyes when she saw her without hesitation and anxiously denying it.

Even if it was the hardest time, even if it was being laughed at, even if he was always by her side.

As long as she nodded, she wouldn't have so many strange eyes, and her life would be much better. Huang Ying never thought of using him as a shield.

Even if it was just a verbal confession, it didn't.

Over there, the doctor immediately understood Huang Ying's denial.

Knowing that she probably had a lasting problem, he didn't ask more, just looked at her and said.

"The child is still too young. His physical problems are brought out in your stomach. In addition to poor physique, there are problems with the immune system, lungs, and liver.

With the current medical level, it is almost impossible to cure it completely.

You should have seen other doctors before, and you should be very clear about the specific situation. "

Huang Ying nodded. The doctor had already told her about these conditions when Long Xiaobao was born.

The doctor paused when he said that, as if afraid that she would not be able to accept the next words, after considering it for a moment, he cautiously continued to speak.

"This time the onset of the disease was delayed for too long. His entire immune system was almost paralyzed. The bacteria invaded and caused serious damage to his lungs and liver.

What we can do at present is to try to stabilize his current situation and prevent his physical condition from deteriorating.

But once the situation deteriorates, I am afraid..."

The doctor did not go on talking about the latter.

The current situation is too cruel for a mother.

They rescued for nearly twenty hours before finally pulling people back from the brink of life and death.

Even if he is out of danger this time, he will probably be inseparable from the medicine for the rest of his life.

Moreover, only relying on drugs may not last for several years.

What's more, he is still not out of danger...

Huang Ying staggered two steps and almost fell to the ground.

"Yellow Oriole."


Gu Rui and Long Xiaobei next to him hurriedly stretched out their hands while supporting her.

"In his current situation, he will not only spend a huge amount of money in the future, but also a huge amount of energy.

As a doctor, no matter what happens between adults, I suggest you consult with the father of your child.

After all, no matter whether it is funds or energy, these are not something you alone can afford. "

The doctor's sincere advice.

Huang Ying bit her lip and did not speak silently.

The words of Old Man Chen were still in his ears back then, and they were definitely not something she could climb up to in a family like theirs.

He has his future, his ideals and ambitions, it is impossible for her and Chen Jun in this life.

Having Xiaobao and Xiaobei is the greatest luck in her life.

How could she go to him again.

Behind, several doctors pushed Long Xiaobao out of the emergency room.

Huang Ying pushed Gu Rui away, and hurriedly stepped forward, calling his name in a panic, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao."

"This lady, the patient is weak, and the anesthetic has not gone away. At least he won't be able to wake up until tonight or tomorrow morning. Don't worry."

The doctor added.

The medical staff transferred Long Xiaobao to the intensive care unit. Huang Ying wanted to follow in, but was stopped by the doctor.

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