Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3602: Why do I think he is a bit familiar?

Long Xiaobao supported his small body with two arms and sat up with some difficulty.

Reached out and took the laptop from Long Xiaobei, "Where did you get it?"

Long Xiaobei said proudly, "I am so cute, and the flowers are blooming. Of course, I borrowed it by virtue of my ability to sell cuteness."

Long Xiaobao raised his hand and stroked his forehead.

Acting cute……

His brother's ability is really... amazing!

How could this idiot consider selling cuteness as a skill, and still speak so arrogantly?

"Brother, am I great?" Long Xiaobei was still begging for praise triumphantly.

Long Xiaobao nodded helplessly, and said against his will, "Well, it's great."

Long Xiaobei was immediately happy, and leaned forward with a smile, leaned over to his hand, looked at the laptop and asked strangely, "What are you going to do?"

"Find someone who bullies Mommy."

Long Xiaobao pursed her lower lip. Just now when Mommy came back from the outside, her eyes were red, but her face was full of laughter. It was obvious that she was bullied and wronged.

It's absolutely impossible for Gu's father to bully Mommy, so it must be what happened during the time Mommy left.

However, although his mummy still looks like a little girl, it is not easy to bully.

For so many years, except for his illness, he has never seen Mommy shed tears.

So, let someone like Mommy...

Long Xiaobao turned on the computer and quickly jumped on the keyboard with his fingers.

Two minutes later, looking at the picture that appeared on the computer screen, my brows frowned.

No wonder Mommy pulled up the neckline when she came back just now, it turned out to be to cover the wound.

This lunatic is really damn, he wants to die and even wants to drag his mother to die with him.

However, looking at the other person on the screen, he snorted, it was him!

Long Xiaobei was next to him, seeing the surveillance picture on the screen, and instantly jumped up.

Angrily shouted, "Damn, I dared to hurt Mommy with a knife, I'm going to kill him!"

After shouting, he will rush out like a small cannonball.

"come back."

Long Xiaobao said helplessly.

Long Xiaobei had no choice but to make a new profit, and said dissatisfiedly, "Brother, he bullied Mommy, why don't you let me fix him?"

"This kind of little character is not your turn to take action. Naturally someone will fix him. It is him who really bullies Mommy!"

Long Xiaobao stretched out a little finger and tapped Chen Jun on the screen.

According to the surveillance video, after Mommy came out of the emergency room, Chen Jun also walked out of it.

The monitoring part afterwards has been deleted. Obviously, something happened that I didn't want to be seen and was deliberately processed.

Who can move so quickly and possess this ability and power, besides him.

There is a faint guess in his heart, but some evidence is needed to confirm it.

Long Xiaobei tilted his head and looked at the computer screen for a long time, then blinked and asked in a puzzled manner, "Brother, why do I think he is a bit familiar?"

Long Xiaobao pursed his lips and spoke indifferently, "Because he has a popular face."

Long Xiaobei, who has always believed in his brother unconditionally, nodded, "Oh, how does my brother plan to fix him?"

Long Xiaobao raised his eyebrows and explained his plan.

After listening, Long Xiaobei's excited eyes lit up, "Brother, brother, what about me?"

Long Xiaobao narrowed his eyes and hooked his finger.

Long Xiaobei hurriedly moved his ears over.

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