Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3614: Father and Son Showdown (12)

Long Xiaobao turned his head fiercely and looked over.

The previous two hundred million funds have been stopped by the other party, have you found this place so soon?

Seeing this, Long Xiaobei pursed his small mouth next to him, stretched out his hand to pull the corner of his clothes, and said, "Brother, don't worry, I will accompany you."

No matter what happens, he will not let his brother bear it alone.

Long Xiaobao pressed his lower lip without saying a word.

Mommy always said that his younger brother always throws the pot to him. In fact, he knows better than anyone that Long Xiaobei is the one who carries the pot every time.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Long Xiaobao's brows could not help but frown.

After a few seconds, the door of the ward was opened from the outside.

Huang Ying walked in from the outside, and saw that the brothers both looked nervously at the door, and couldn't help but looked back a little strangely.

"What's wrong? What are you two doing?"

"It's okay, Mommy, why did you come back so soon? Where's my egg noodles?" Long Xiaobei hurriedly ran over and hugged her leg, smiling and changing the subject.

Huang Ying smiled and poked his forehead lightly, "Snack goods, I know how to eat them all day long."

Long Xiaobei said solemnly, "I need to eat more to grow up quickly to protect Mommy and brother."

Huang Ying couldn't help but feel sad. When such a small child was supposed to be carefree, Xiaobao and Xiaobei had been following her to suffer.

After all, all this is her fault.

Raised his hand and touched his head, "Well, Beckham is the best."

It is rare for Long Xiaobei to hear Mommy's praise, and in a happy moment, he turned around in circles.

Huang Ying smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Long Xiaobao had just come out of the intensive care unit, and she was worried that Xiaobao and Xiaobei were in the hospital.

I happened to see a newly opened supermarket nearby, and I quickly went there and simply bought some things and came back.

Gu Rui went to the hospital cafeteria to coordinate with others, so she could borrow a place to cook at noon.

Long Xiaobao's small head turned quickly. He had just come out of the intensive care unit, and Mommy would never agree to him being discharged from the hospital at this moment.

Chen Jun found such a master, and since the other party had found him here, it would be useless even if he was really discharged from the hospital.

He wanted to see what Chen Jun would do to him after he knew that he had done all this!

I touched the transparent bag that Long Xiaobei gave him before, and it was time to give it out.

In Long Yuan, Xiao Yining looked at the information on the computer screen in front of him, his lips curled up, and he touched his chin.

A smile with a trace of evil appeared on the face of the already young boy.

It seems that his exquisite features are becoming more attractive and charming, but the twelve-year-old boy exudes charming charm.

The guy on the opposite side was really interesting. After an appointment at ten o'clock, he didn't play the cards according to common sense, and ran in early and planned to run away.

If you change someone else, I'm afraid he will really succeed.

He had changed the defense system of the city hall, so he could discover it the first time he sneaked in.

The slender fingers bounced quickly on the keyboard for a few seconds. After a few seconds, a document appeared on the computer screen based on the IP address just grabbed.

After scanning a few times, Xiao Yining's eyes lit up instantly, as if they had fallen into a bright star.

He thought he knew who it was.

The corners of his lips twitched, he reached out his hand and took out the phone and called Chen Jun.

(It's time to make a change, please ask for a ticket, I'll sell you a cute, refill~)

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