Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3619: The furthest distance in the world (1)

Chen Jun pursed her lips and looked at her blankly.

Cold words without a hint of warmth came out of his mouth and spoke clearly.

"He is your son. Go to the doctor when he is sick. What is my business?"

The following words went back and forth in Huang Ying's mouth, thinking of the words Old Master Chen had said to her before, but they could only swallow them again.

Tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably.

There is too much suffering in her heart, but no one can say.

She chose the road herself, and all the suffering and consequences should be borne by her herself.

It was hard for Gu Rui to have been out of her wish for so many years, and she owed him for fear that she would not be able to pay it off in her life.

If she tells Chen Jun about the child, it will not only affect his future.

With the power of the Chen family, if Mr. Chen insists on taking away Xiaobao and Xiaobei, she has nothing to do.

He bit his lower lip tightly, and the hand holding his collar tightened and tight, crying in disintegration.

"Chen Jun, you bastard, what do you want me to do to let me go?

You said, how can you let me go? "

Chen Jun looked at her crying in silence, as if a chunk of her heart had been dug away.

It was her who was obviously wrong, and it was she who betrayed him and eloped with other men.

After so many years, he gave birth to a son for others.

However, watching her cry like this, he still couldn't help but feel distressed.

Still can't help but want to hug her into her arms, shelter her from wind and rain, and protect her carefree.

The cold wall that stood up in her heart instantly collapsed in front of her tears.

Raising her hand, her fingertips wiped the tears from her face little by little.

Tears flowed through his cold fingertips, and the hot temperature burned into his heart all the way along his fingertips.

He said in a dumb voice, "I want you to leave Gu Rui and come back to me. Never see him again in this life."

Listening to his words, the tears on Huang Ying's face fell even more violently in an instant.

Just to get her back to him, can he ignore Xiaobao's life and death and drive them out of the hospital to persecute her?

That is their son!

"Chen Jun, you bastard, bastard, how can you be so selfish, how can you be so selfish..."

Chen Jun lowered her fingers and squeezed her chin violently, forced her to raise her head and gritted her teeth, "What right do you have to call me selfish?"

It was you who provoke me first, and you took advantage of me in order to clear your mother's grievances.

After the matter was over, he left silently and selfishly.

You call me selfish? "

Huang Ying's tears fell down, and she shook her head, "I don't have one."

She didn't, didn't use him, let alone deceived his feelings.

"Don't you? Then tell me that you didn't use me back then. It was not you who eloped with Gu Rui, and you were not the one who gave birth to Gu Rui!"

Chen Jun's forehead pierced blue veins and roared angrily.

His accusation was like a sharp arrow piercing her.

"You say it." Chen Jun's eyes flushed, and his hands were uncontrollably forced.

The strength of his hands almost crushed her chin.

Huang Ying resisted the pain, looked at him dimly with tears, denying in her heart, I don't have, I don't, I don't...

She could see his pain, the torment he was going through in his heart.

The heart-piercing pain swallowed her.

He was not wrong, it was her who was wrong.

She should have known long ago that a man like Chen Jun does not belong to her.

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