Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3622: This is not the closeness he wants

They had the closest distance, but they also became the furthest distance.

"Orioles? Orioles?"

Huang Ying was originally looking at the computer in front of her in a trance. Hearing the sound coming from her ear, she finally recovered, and hurriedly raised her head to look over.

Seeing that it was Mr. Liang, he got up quickly, "Mr. Liang, I'm sorry, I just thought about something, did you have anything to do with me?"

President Liang smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay. There is a cooperation meeting at the Hilton Hotel tonight. Secretary Song is feeling a little unwell today. You will come with me after get off work later."

Huang Ying hesitated. Although the family found a nanny to take care of Xiaobao and Xiaobei, she naturally wanted to accompany the two little guys.

At the beginning, she chose to come here to work because the working hours are relatively loose, so she can have more time to take care of them.

"Is there any difficulty? If you really don't want to, just forget it, I will let Secretary Song hold on." Liang said.

Huang Ying shook his head, "It's okay, but I just thought of something suddenly, I'll go."

During the time she was in the company, Mr. Liang had always treated her very well, and Secretary Song was also very friendly to her. She taught her many things she didn't understand.

Now Secretary Song is not feeling well, if she let her go again under this situation, it would be too unreasonable.


President Liang raised his hand and looked at the time, "Then you clean up first, and wait for me here later."


Huang Ying nodded. After Mr. Liang left, he took out his mobile phone and called the house first, telling Xiaobao and Xiaobei that she would not go back for dinner at night, and that she would go back later so that they would not have to wait for her.

Then I called Gu Rui and asked him to take care of Xiaobao and Xiaobei when he went back.

On the other side of the phone, Gu Rui sighed, "Yingying, do you have to see me like this?"

He always thought that as long as he persisted, he could get closer and closer to her.

Over the years, she has been very close to him, and really treats him as her brother, as a relative.

However, this is not the closeness he wants.

Huang Ying bit her lower lip, "Brother Gu Rui, sorry, I just..."

Gu Rui was helpless, he was reluctant to embarrass her in the end, "It doesn't matter, I'll go back soon. Where do you go to socialize at night? I'll pick you up."

Huang Ying said hurriedly, "No, just wait until I finish taking a taxi and go back."

Gu Rui was afraid that she would think more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After hanging up the phone, Huang Ying's eyes darkened. Except for being sorry, she really didn't know what to say to Gu Rui.

After receiving the phone, Huang Ying went to the bathroom to tidy up her clothes and hair.

Then he went to Hilton with Mr. Liang.

Her original job was just an assistant, and she had never done anything like cooperation with her boss before.

Someone poured her a drink during the banquet, but I don't know how to refuse.

Fortunately, Mr. Liang guarded her and blocked her a lot.

But even so, Huang Ying was still filled with a few cups.

She doesn't know how to drink, it is inevitable that she feels dizzy, and her cheeks are extremely hot.

After greeting Mr. Liang, he went directly to the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet, he poured a handful of cold water on his face with his hand.

The cold water made the temperature on her face drop a lot, and even her groggy head became clearer.

Slightly exhaled, it would be better for her to avoid this kind of entertainment in the future.

He stretched out his hand and wiped his face with a tissue from the side, turned around and walked through the bathroom, and was about to go out, when a sound of footsteps came from outside.

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