He remembered that he came here to drink by himself last night and drank for a long time.


Chen Jun frowned tightly, the pain in his head was terrible, and everything was groggy.

A picture suddenly appeared in his mind, he and Huang Ying...

He quickly got up to the door and pressed the switch, turning on the lights in the box.

Quickly looked around.

In the box, it was clean, and there were no traces of other people on the sofa except for the dents left by him.

He looked down at himself busy again.

He was still wearing the clothes he had when he went out yesterday, and he was wearing it well at the moment.

Probably because of wearing clothes to sleep, the clothes that were originally stiff without a trace of wrinkles are now covered with wrinkles.

He smiled bitterly, and he was really stunned. He was thinking of her even when he was drunk and dreaming.

Only in the dream, she was willing to let herself be close.

Somewhat lost, he turned around and walked out directly to the outside of the box.

As he closed the door, a long strand of hair dangling from his clothes fell behind the door.

the other side.

Huang Ying only noticed after she left the hotel that there were several missed calls on her mobile phone.

In addition to Mr. Liang's, there are also Xiaobao, Xiaobei and Gu Rui's.

The busy person first called Mr. Liang to apologize. Fortunately, Mr. Liang forgave her and didn't pursue it.

I also asked about her physical condition with concern, and specifically approved her one-day vacation, so that she could take a good rest at home for a day.

Huang Ying thanked her and hung up the phone and hurriedly called Gu Rui and her family home, saying that she was delayed by something last night, so she would go back immediately.

Hung up the phone, looked down at the messy clothes on his body.

Biting his lip, he bought a new set of clothes in the street clothing store and put on them, and then he quickly drove the car back outside.

When he got home, Xiao Bao Bei was lying in front of the window looking forward to the outside.

Seeing Huang Ying coming back, Xiaobei immediately showed a bright smile on a small face, and ran to the door ahead of time to open the door for her.

When Huang Ying went upstairs and returned to the door, she called Mommy and rushed forward.

Huang Ying's body was already in pain, but when Xiaobei hit him, she couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

Long Xiaobei hurriedly looked up at her, "Mummy, what's the matter with you? Did Xiaobei hurt you?"


Huang Ying smiled and lowered her head and kissed Long Xiaobei's face, then stepped forward and rubbed Long Xiaobao's head.

Gu Rui brought a hot breakfast and came out of the kitchen. "You haven't eaten anything in the morning, right? Let's have some breakfast first."

"Thank you Brother Gu Rui."

Huang Ying smiled and replied. She was originally filled with a few glasses of wine at the banquet last night and didn't eat anything, but she was tossed by Chen Jun for a whole night. By now, she was already hungry and grumbled.

Coupled with the lingering spirit of alcohol in her stomach, she feels a little uncomfortable to burn,

It was not polite to walk to the table.

Gu Rui frowned slightly, "Did you drink?"

Huang Ying squeezed the spoon's hand tightly, "To accompany Mr. Liang to socialize, it is inevitable that I drank some during the dinner."

"I'll make a hangover soup for you." Gu Rui frowned.

Huang Ying spoke hurriedly, smiling and scooping a spoonful of the porridge in front of him, "No, thank you Gu Rui, I just drank a little bit, so I don’t need you to trouble me, I’ll just drink the porridge."

Gu Rui pursed her lower lip and didn't need him to trouble. If she changed to Chen Jun, she would still be afraid of trouble, and would always say thank you, is she always so polite?

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