"The person I like must have a gentle smile, just look at it and feel like a spring breeze..."

"I won't be engaged to you, you go back and explain to them yourself." Chen Jun finished speaking and turned and walked outside.


Lu Xiaoxiao hurriedly caught up behind him, "It's just a ceremony, not a real marriage.

I don't care a girl, why do you care so much? "

Chen Jun was too lazy to care about her, and went straight out.

He was born in Beijing when he was a child and also grew up in Beijing.

It was not until he was a teenager that he mingled with Xiao Moli and the others in S City.

The status of the Lu family in the capital is second only to the four major families. The Ming family has completely fallen before, and the Lu family's status has risen even more.

It is not surprising that Grandpa would choose the Lu family.

Lu Xiaoxiao is ten years younger than him. When he was a child, he was a little bit behind him.

To him, it's just a younger sister.

Lu Xiaoxiao caught up with him, hung on his arm like a monkey, and asked curiously, "Hey, don't you have someone you like?"

Chen Jun thought of Huang Ying who was in the banquet hall outside at this moment, and his eyes sank.

the other side.

Huang Ying originally wanted to leave first, but she had already left President Liang on the way before. There was no way to go first tonight, so she had to stay alone in the corner.

Thinking that Chen Jun was somewhere in this banquet hall at the moment, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Huang Ying, are you okay? Is there any physical discomfort?"

President Liang walked over from the banquet hall and asked with concern.

He brought Huang Ying over, and people from the city hall were watching, naturally he had to take care of it.

Huang Ying shook his head busy, "No, Mr. Liang, you are busy and don't care about me."

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't force it, you must tell me." Mr. Liang patted her shoulder.

Huang Ying nodded and hesitated.

Chen Jun is here. She has told him about Xiaobao and Xiaobei before, and now she doesn't know how to face him.

Just about to ask Mr. Liang if she has nothing else to do, can she leave first.

A figure suddenly emerged from the side. He raised his hand and directly slapped Huang Ying with a "slap" on the face, slapped fiercely.

"Bitch women, young and capable, dare to seduce men everywhere.

Can you covet my man too? "

The woman raised her finger to her face and shouted mercilessly.

"I must tear up your face today so that everyone can see what you are!

See you still dare not seduce other men everywhere. "

As he said, he raised his hand and hit Huang Ying's face again.

Huang Ying was standing there and talking to President Liang before, but she didn't expect someone to rush up suddenly, but she didn't react for a while, she was directly slapped in the face by the woman.

The hot pain came from the cheek, and then I realized it.

Seeing that the woman's slap was about to be slapped again, naturally she would not let her slap.

Raising his hand, he firmly grasped her hand and frowned, "Miss, have you admitted the wrong person?"

"Acknowledge the wrong person? Why don't you admit the wrong person when you seduce a man? Are you shameless? Are you blind? Take a good look at who he is?" The woman angrily pointed her other finger to Mr. Liang next to her.

The other people at the banquet also did not expect to stage such a **** drama.

For a while, the men couldn't help but embrace the thoughts of watching a good show, while the women all gloated.

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