Is it possible that geniuses in this world have reached the point where they are everywhere?

Raising his hand and squeezing his forehead, he returned to the desk and sat down.

Early the next morning, Huang Ying got up and went downstairs after washing.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Long Xiaobao and Long Xiaobei were already waiting there.

Seeing her coming, Long Xiaobei immediately leaned forward with a bank card happily, "Mummy, here you are."

Huang Ying reached out inexplicably, "Why give me a bank card?"

"This is the prize I bought from the lottery before. There is one million in it.

From today on, Mommy doesn’t have to go out to work. "Long Xiaobei said proudly as she watched her with bright eyes.

When Long Xiaobao heard this from the side, the milk he had just drunk into his mouth almost didn't come out.

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Huang Ying was stunned for an instant, and bought the lottery ticket again? Won again?

Is it because they sell the lottery tickets?

Will this chance of winning be too high?

These two little guys are so lucky, shouldn’t they just buy lottery tickets and do nothing every day in the future?

Pooh, what is she thinking.

Hearing Long Xiaobao coughing, he finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly reached out and patted his back to help him go smoothly.

Waiting for him to slow down, then stretched out his hand and twisted Long Xiaobei's ears.

"If you don't learn well at a young age, what kind of lottery will you buy?

Tomorrow I will help you find a tutor, and you will let me stay at home and study hard. "

Long Xiaobei turned to look at Long Xiaobao with an aggrieved look.

Why did my elder brother say that Mommy would be happily praised by winning the lottery ticket, and it would become a bad idea to scold him when he came to him?

Long Xiaobao couldn't bear to look straight, covering his face.

His younger brother is really...

Can't you find another reason?

Huang Ying taught Long Xiaobei a lesson, and looked at the bank card in his hand with some confusion.

Although Xiaobei has always been unreliable on weekdays, he shouldn't deliberately lie to her in this regard.

Although it is difficult to win a lottery, it is not impossible.

After thinking about it, I had to put my bank card away and decided to check with the bank when I was free.

Moreover, if you really win the lottery, the money must be collected by two little guys.

She couldn't really spend their money without going to work.

After breakfast, Huang Ying was planning to go to work at the company, but Mr. Liang personally called.

Said that she was injured last night and asked her to rest at home for a few days.

All the wages and benefits will be issued without error, so she doesn't worry about it.

Huang Ying knew that he must be due to what happened last night, so she couldn't say much.

After resting at home for two days, I found a tutor for Xiaobao and Xiaobei. After arranging the two little guys, they went directly to the company.

After arriving at the company, I found out that Mr. Liang had already arranged an office for her alone, and also promoted her, directly replacing Secretary Song's position.

Huang Ying went to the office busy to find Mr. Liang.

"President Liang, I know that what happened that night is not your business. It's really okay. You don't have to do this."

President Liang didn't know before, but now he knows that Mayor Chen is standing behind Huang Ying, for fear that what happened that day will upset Chen Jun and the company will be completely ruined.

No matter where I dare, everything is good. Naturally, she is praised in every possible way for her ability to work.

Secretary Song had been transferred to another position, Huang Ying had no choice but to agree to him.

Back to the office, and Secretary Song was busy handing over work all day.

I was so busy that I was dizzy, but the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

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