Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3648: death penalty

He is also a father, so he can naturally understand Huang Ying's feelings at this time.

For a single mother, this fact is too cruel.

Although these remarks were not explicitly stated, they were tantamount to directly proclaiming Long Xiaobao's death sentence.

Huang Ying only felt that she was shocked, and her whole body was dumbfounded.

After a while, he finally reacted, "Doctor Zhou, please, don't give up, you save my son, you save him.

He has been very hard since he was born, and he doesn't even dare to leave the door on weekdays.

Can only stay at home and look at the outside world.

I haven't taken him to the playground, and I haven't bought him the roast duck he wants most.

You save him, please, don't give up on him, don't give up on him, I beg you..."

Huang Ying begged bitterly, the tears in her eyes were like broken beads, but she didn't know it at all.

Doctor Zhou had no choice but to reach out and help her, "Miss Huang, I am a doctor. If I can, I am absolutely unwilling to give up any opportunity to help patients.

Even if we put aside Xiaobao's physical condition, there is no heart and liver suitable for him in China.

I have also contacted my mentor abroad, and we have really tried our best. "

When Huang Ying heard this, her mind suddenly moved, and she suddenly raised her head to look at him, "Is there any hope for Little Treasure as long as he finds the right heart and liver?"

Doctor Zhou hesitated and spoke cautiously, "In theory, this is the case, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Ying interrupted him directly.

"Doctor Zhou, I beg you not to give up. I will definitely find a liver and heart that matches Xiaobao."

Then he turned around and ran out quickly to the outside of the hospital.

Doctor Zhou wanted to stop her, but looking at her flustered back, he finally did not speak.

He was afraid that Huang Ying would be too painful to say something, because Xiaobao's current situation is too complicated.

His body is just a liver transplant, and the probability of success is extremely low. Coupled with the co-transplantation of the heart, the probability of success is even slimmer.

From a medical point of view, there is no longer any rescue value.

Moreover, even if she can find a matching heart and liver from abroad, it is impossible to transport it back to China within eight hours.

If you don't have a transplant, Xiaobao may be able to support it longer.

Rather than making him leave in pain, it is better to accompany him next, so that he can be happier in the limited time.

A glimpse of sadness flashed in Gu Rui's eyes. He knew that Huang Ying must have gone to Chen Jun.

He only hates that he is not strong enough and unable to help.

the other side.

Huang Ying ran out of the hospital in a panic, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the city hall.

I didn't care about anything all the way, I don't know how many red lights I ran through.

Before reaching the gate of the city hall, he happened to see Chen Jun walking out of the city hall.

Following him was the beautiful woman she had seen at the party yesterday.

Lu Xiaoxiao grasped Chen Jun's arm tightly with both hands, and hung her whole body on him, looking at him with a sly smile.

"Brother Jun, do you have anyone you like?

If you tell me, I will consider going back today to help you say something nice in front of Grandpa. "

Chen Jun pursed his lips, "Whether you say good things or not, I can't go back and be engaged to you."

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