Huang Ying didn't care about anything at all, and rushed into Doctor Zhou's office all the way.

Doctor Zhou saw the blood stains on her legs and hurriedly got up and said, "Miss Huang, you are injured, I will help you deal with it first."

Huang Ying shook his head and asked impatiently, "Doctor Zhou, if you find a liver and heart that match Xiaobao, what is the success rate for you to save him?"

Doctor Zhou looked at her expectant eyes and sighed. He knew that it would be difficult for her to give up until the last moment.

Helpless, he reluctantly said, "Ten percent."

This success rate can already be considered pitifully low.

Under normal circumstances, this success rate does not mean that family members are willing to take risks, but any sensible hospital will refuse surgery.

If the success rate is too low, don’t say, if you encounter something unreasonable, you may also cause a lot of trouble for yourself.

What's more, Xiaobao's situation is even more complicated.

He said that 10% could not bear to irritate Huang Ying, so he went higher.

Huang Ying bit her lower lip vigorously, ten percent that is there is hope.

Even if there is only one percent of hope, she will not give up.

"I see, thank you, Doctor Zhou."

Doctor Zhou felt uncomfortable looking at her like this, and forcibly pulled her to help her treat the wound on her leg.

After Huang Ying thanked him again, she quickly turned around and left the office.

If it is said that in this world, the one who is most likely to be successfully matched with Xiaobao is Xiaobei.

It's just that everyone has only one liver and one heart. If Beckham gave his own to Xiaobao, then Beckham would die.

Whether it is Xiaobao and Xiaobei, both are her darlings, and they are the same in her heart.

She could not exchange the life of one son for another.

Except for Xiaobei, she is the most likely to be a successful match.

He took a blood sample of Beckham and quickly sent it to the matching room upstairs along with her own blood sample.

A little nervous standing outside the door, every minute and every second of waiting was cruel to her.

After half an hour, looking at the successfully matched list in his hand, Huang Ying's slender hands trembled violently, and the tears in his eyes finally fell.

Xiaobao is saved!

Xiaobao is finally saved!

Turn around and ran back to the intensive care unit.

Gu Rui and Xiaobei finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her return.

"Your leg."

Huang Ying walked to the hospital bed, Long Xiaobao still did not wake up, his breathing has become weaker and weaker.

Even under the magnification of the ventilator, it is almost inaudible.

Only the heartbeat monitor ticking next to him announced that he was still there.

Huang Ying bowed her head and gave a long kiss on his forehead.

Don't be afraid, Xiaobao, Mommy will definitely save you anyway.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid...

As if perceiving her, a drop of crystal tears flicked from the corner of Long Xiaobao's eyes.

Huang Ying raised her hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with her fingertips, and she shed tears with a smile, "It's okay, Xiaobao, don't be afraid, you will be fine soon."

Long Xiaobei looked at his mom, and didn't know why, he suddenly felt that his mom was so far away that he would not be able to see her in the future.

Busily stepped forward, stretched out a little hand to hug her leg, looked at her with red eyes and said, "Mummy, you won't leave Beckham, right?"

Huang Ying hurriedly raised her hand to wipe away the tears from her face, turned her head and smiled and stretched out her hand to embrace Long Xiaobei in her arms, and kissed his little cheek.

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