Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3659: Recommended ticket plus more

However, despite their best efforts, her heartbeat stopped abruptly after a few minutes.

the other side.

Gu Rui and Xiaobei had been guarding Xiaobao's bed, raising their hands to check the time. When Huang Ying had been out for quite a while, Gu Rui was about to get up and go to Dr. Zhou's office to check.

The door of the ward was suddenly opened.

A group of doctors and nurses hurried in from outside pushing a trolley.

He walked straight to the hospital bed and carried Long Xiaobao, who was always in a coma, up.

Gu Rui hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of the hospital bed, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

The head doctor said to him, "Mr. Gu, Miss Huang left a last word. After her death, she will donate her heart and liver to this patient.

Now the operating room will be ready immediately. In order to improve the success rate of the operation, we must bring the patient there as soon as possible. Please understand. "

"Last words? Dead? What do you mean?" Gu Rui raised his hand fiercely and grabbed his arm, and asked aloud.

Why can he understand every word in his mouth, but when put together, he can't understand what it means?

What last words? What's dead?

What does it mean?

The doctor sighed and motioned to the people behind to quickly take Long Xiaobao away, and then said to Gu Rui.

"In order to save her son, Miss Huang chose to end her life with her own hands. We have tried our best.

Mr. Gu, please be sorry! "

Gu Rui only felt that all the flowers exploded in his head in an instant.

How can it be?

Obviously less than an hour ago, she smiled brightly and promised him to be good.


Almost asphyxiated in his chest, he turned around and ran out of the ward.

In the emergency room, Long Xiaobei ran over without waiting for the doctor to finish speaking.

The little hand slapped the door of the emergency room vigorously, "Mommy, mommy, come out, you promised that Beckham won't leave me, you come out, you come out..."

The medical staff next to him couldn't help wiping their tears, and pulled him over from the door, trying to comfort him.

"You let me go, I want to see my mommy, I want to see my mommy."

Long Xiaobei's voice became hoarse.

Gu Rui hurried to there, and stepped forward to grab a doctor's neckline, "Where is Huang Ying? Where is it?"

"Mr. Gu, calm down," the doctor persuaded.

"Calm down? Tell me how to calm down?" Gu Rui shouted with flushed eyes.

It's all his fault, it's all his fault.

He clearly sensed that it was wrong, but he didn't expect Huang Ying to make such a choice.

If he can stop her, she won't...

"Mr. Gu, Miss Huang's last wish is to transplant her own liver and heart to her son. Long Xiaobao's health is now very poor. If you delay like this, the chances of successful surgery will become lower and lower.

Miss Huang sacrificed her sexual name for nothing. "

The doctor solemnly said that Dr. Zhou had already taken a great risk when he chose to undergo the operation, and there was no room for delay at this moment.

Gu Rui let out a painful growl, and slammed a fist against the wall next to him.

Long Xiaobao was quickly sent to the operating room.

The door of the operating room slowly closed in front of my eyes.

He knew that Huang Ying's complete departure was announced at the beginning of the operation.

Long Xiaobei's cry still echoed in his ears, but he couldn't do anything.

At the last second when the door of the operating room was about to close, a voice suddenly rang behind him.

"Stop it."

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