That was his son, but now he was standing next to Gu Rui, his heart stabbed again.

Hearing footsteps, several people turned their heads.

When Gu Rui saw Chen Jun, the anger he had accumulated for so many years suddenly burst out.

He gritted his teeth and roared, "Chen Jun, you beast."

He rushed forward, grabbed Chen Jun by the neckline, raised his other hand and slammed it towards him.

While smashing it, he said angrily, "Do you know how much Huang Ying has suffered over the years because of you?

Back then, she had a big belly alone. In order to give birth to a child for you, she almost died in the hospital due to a dystocia.

Xiaobao is so weak and sick that he can't even get out of the house.

She has to worry about taking care of Xiaobao every day, and she has to work hard to make money.

And what did you do?

What did you father do?

Because of your selfishness, ignoring Xiaobao and forcibly bringing them back from abroad, Xiaobao almost died! "

Chen Jun stood still on the spot, letting Gu Rui's fist hit him severely.

Gu Rui's eyes were red, and Huang Ying's hard work, bit by bit, he saw all in his eyes.

No one knows better than him how bitter she is.

The fist hit his face and nose fiercely.

Choked and roared, "Xiaobao needs liver and heart transplantation. The hospital can't find a matching source of heart and liver, so he can only choose to give up.

Do you know how long Huang Ying has been looking for you and how many calls did you call?

In order to find you, she came back with **** wounds all over her arms and knees.

If it is not desperate to the extreme, if it is not really there is no way.

How could she make such an extreme choice, to end her life with her own hands, and to transplant her heart and liver to Xiaobao.

For so many years, she has not complained about you.

Even when it was time to end my life, I never said a word about you.

Chen Jun, you are not a human, you are a beast, how can you be so cruel?

How can you be so cruel to her? "

He has been guarding Huang Ying for so many years, even if he pays no rewards, he does not regret it.

He was sad not for himself, but for Huang Ying, sad for her, and wronged for her.

His fists kept hitting Chen Jun's face and body.

The blood stains fell down his nose and the corners of his lips, but Chen Jun still did not fight back.

Every word of Gu Rui's accusation was a torture to him, and every piece of meat on his body was cut off and scraped with one knife.

The pain exploded in his body like a bomb.

However, all of this is what he deserved.

Even if the pain is ten thousand times more, there is no way to recover the torment that Huang Ying has suffered, and the struggle of life and death at this moment.

If he could, he would rather be the one who is on the verge of life and death in the operating room at this moment.

The movement outside alarmed some people, and a doctor came over to see that Gu Rui was actually beating Chen Jun, half to death.

Busy wants to stop, but there is no chance to connect.

I can only persuade anxiously from the side, "Don't fight, don't fight..."

How could these two listen to his persuasion.

In the end, Xiao Yining, who was on the side, couldn't see it, stepped forward and separated the two.

Pursing his lips to Gu Rui said, "This is outside the operating room. If you continue to make trouble like this, it will affect the operation inside.

The top priority now is to save Aunt Huangying, even if you kill him, it will be useless. "

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