Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3671: Dream come true

"I didn't know you went to me and called me."

Huang Ying was still lying there with her eyes closed, as if she didn't hear her.

"I went to the airport too eagerly that day and left the phone at the office, not because I didn't mean to answer your call.

If I knew that you called me and ran to find me, I would come over even if there were thousands of mountains and rivers.

Even if you want me to abandon everything and kill people, I will agree.

I know that my bastard, my beast, didn't figure out everything and just treated you like this.

I just……"

Chen Jun paused, looking at her eyes full of pain, "I just saw you and Gu Rui together, and I was dazzled by jealousy.

As long as I think that you have been with him for the past few years, I can't control my sanity and want to kill.

That's why I did that to you. I am sorry! "

Chen Jun looked at her painfully, "I don't expect you to forgive me right now. I just want to ask you to give me a chance so that I can make up for the mistakes I made."

Huang Ying seemed to have a calm expression on her face, but in fact she was clenched by her hands, her palms almost pierced by her nails.

Hearing this, he couldn't restrain himself anymore, and he opened his eyes sharply and watched him choked up, "If you make a mistake, you can ask me to give you a chance to make up. What about Xiaobao?

Have you ever given him a chance?

If Ningning didn't come back in time with the young master this time, who would give him a chance to make up for Xiaobao's life?

I told you when I was in the hotel that Xiaobao is your son.

It's been so long, but you haven't even asked him a word of concern.

I don't ask you to pet him like other fathers pet his son, but at least you give him a chance to survive. "

She doesn't care about her life or death, she doesn't care how Chen Jun tortured her.

However, she couldn't help watching Xiaobao die.

There is no way to endure it. As a father, Chen Jun turned a blind eye to his son's life so cruelly.

Chen Jun's pupils tightened, and subconsciously immediately denied anxiously, "I didn't, I never knew that Xiaobao and Xiaobei belonged to me..."

Before he finished speaking, a flash of lightning struck in his mind.


The time he was drunk in the hotel before, he once dreamed of being with Huang Ying.

I heard her telling herself in a muddle-headed manner that she still loves him in her heart.

He didn't catch the words behind, so he couldn't control it anymore and demanded her severely.

When I woke up the next morning, there was no one around me.

Everything in the box is also the same, he always thought it was just a dream of him.

He wanted her too much, that's why he dreamed of her, dreamed that she said he loved him.

It turned out that what happened that day turned out to be true!

It turned out that she had already given herself a chance!

At this moment, Chen Jun wished to kill himself immediately.

"I don't know, I drank too much that day, and when I woke up the next morning, I thought I was dreaming, but I never thought it was really you."

Huang Ying's body also shook abruptly, and she did not expect that the truth of the matter would be like this.

Chen Jun woke up drunk and completely forgot the things they used to be together, and even the words she said.

However, thinking of Little Treasure, bit his lip and said, "Even if you don't know that he is your son, can you ignore his life?"

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