Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3676: I won't let it go

Those who can poison Xiaobao must be the ones who have the opportunity to enter her house.

How many people are still hidden behind this calculation?

When he pulls them out, he won't let them go.

"Yes, I will have someone check it right away."

"Transfer all the patients on this level, arrange for someone to go to the hospital, keep it secretly, and not allow anyone who is unfamiliar and suspicious to enter or leave..."

Huang Ying didn't want to see him now. He couldn't ask her and Xiaobao what was the specific situation in the family before and if there were any suspicious people. He could only start with the other people around her.

After he finished explaining, Lang Feng looked at the corridor behind Chen Jun, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Boss, are you going to keep going like this?

People at the city hall have been protesting petitions over the past few days, and public opinion on the Internet is also great.

I've inquired about this. The capital is also a headache for this.

If you want to return to the city hall, there should be no problem saying hello to the capital. "

Chen Jun pursed his lower lip, glanced deeply at the door of Huang Ying's ward not far away, and shook his head, "No need."

He didn't want to use this to force Grandpa to compromise with him.

For so many years, he has been living for the responsibility of the Chen family and the burden of the country's future.

Now, he wants to live for himself once.

Moreover, Huang Ying and Xiaobao are in such a situation that he is not relieved to ask him to leave.

Although I can't see them here every day, but at least in the place closest to them.

No matter what happens, he will be there as soon as possible.

Lang Feng opened his mouth, wanting to say something to persuade him, but looking at Chen Jun's affectionate staring eyes, he finally did not speak.

Since then, Xiao Chen has been to the hospital once, and after checking it was confirmed that Xiaobao's condition has stabilized.

Seeing that Chen Jun could only stand in the corridor, he finally seized the opportunity and gloated once.

One week after Long Xiaobao came out of the operating room, he finally woke up.

Huang Ying ran over as soon as he got the news.


On the hospital bed, Long Xiaobao looked at her with a slight smile on her face, and shouted weakly.

The tears in Huang Ying's eyes fell instantly, and she ran forward, reaching out and clutching his little hand tightly.

"Mommy is here."

Long Xiaobei also ran in panting, and shook Long Xiaobao's other little hand.


"En." Long Xiaobao responded with a smile.

Seeing that both of their brothers were doing well, Huang Ying couldn't stop tears falling.

They are all well by her side, that's enough.

He hurriedly raised his hand and wiped the tears from his face, then raised his head to look at the doctor who was checking, "Doctor Zhou, how is Xiaobao's situation?"

"Xiaobao's condition has been stabilized. There is no major problem for the time being. Last time, Mr. Xiao said that after waking up, Xiaobao will take a rest in the hospital for two months, take care of his body, and leave the treatment to him afterwards."

Doctor Zhou replied while checking the equipment.

Huang Ying had been worried for so many days, and finally she was completely relieved.

Long Xiaobei, who was on the hospital bed, glanced at the glass window on the door, then turned his head, pursing his lips and making no sound.

After Doctor Zhou left, Huang Ying confessed that Long Xiaobei stayed in the ward obediently and was not allowed to make trouble, and then turned around and left the ward.

The injury on her neck has almost recovered. If it weren't for Xiaobao, she could have been discharged from the hospital.

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