Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3716: Father and son tacit understanding

Long Xiaobao had a calm face, still holding a book in his hand.

Only looking down at himself, obviously didn't take these two people to heart at all.

Another man next to him was carrying Long Xiaobei on his shoulders, and the little guy was lying on his shoulders, pulling the man's hair with both hands and shaking his head vigorously.

The two little feet were kicking desperately, and a little mouth was still biting the man's shoulder, biting and whining.

The poor man's scalp was almost pulled off by him, and he grinned with his teeth.

His head shook and even the window was almost impossible to find, but he didn't dare to do anything to him.

I have to scrupulously resist him, and can't fall him down.

Seeing Chen Jun coming in, Long Xiaobei's eyes lit up immediately, and finally opened his mouth to let go of the man, and yelled, "Chen Jun, come here and beat him!"

The corner of Chen Jun's lips twitched, and he went straight forward, raising his hand to make a flicker towards the man's face.

When the person subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to block him, he directly reached out and grabbed Long Xiaobei. With a slight force in his hand, he snatched him over.

He raised his leg and kicked it quickly towards the man's knee. The man yelled, his legs softened, and he tremblingly wanted to fall.

Without waiting for him to stand still, Chen Jun held Long Xiaobei as a weapon and threw it towards the man.

Long Xiaobei cooperatively lifted his two calves and kicked the person hard, and directly kicked the person to the ground.

Looking at the man's embarrassment, Long Xiaobei laughed proudly in an instant.

The man at the bedside was stunned for a moment, and stepped forward in a hurry to help, but he didn't dare to attack Chen Jun and Long Xiaobei.

It was almost the same as before, and in three or two strokes, Chen Jun lifted Long Xiaobei to the ground.

Before Chen Jun put down Long Xiaobei, the person outside the window probably finally realized that something was wrong, and a head stuck out from the outside.

After seeing the situation inside the ward, he took a breath.

"Plan A failed! Plan B was executed."

A few dozen seconds later, a dozen people in black poured in from the small window.

Long Xiaobao on the hospital bed is still as calm as ever, what should he do.

And Long Xiaobei, a strange flower, saw so many people suddenly appear, not only was he not scared at all, but he was immediately excited.

A pair of bright big eyes instantly brightened like two gleaming little light bulbs.

He raised his little hand and patted the big hands that Chen Jun pinched him, and then waved forward.

"Chen Jun, come on! Beat them!"

This posture is like swinging the whip to the horse while riding a horse!

Chen Jun suddenly had the urge to throw this strange son in his hand.

Who the **** is this little **** like!

Those people didn't dare to really hit Chen Jun and the two little guys, but Long Xiaobei was rude.

Kicked directly on the faces of those people, kicking them with two little feet.

The father and son cooperated tacitly, and within a short time, the group of people in black were kicked and turned their backs on their horses and fell to the ground one after another.

Long Xiaobei was pinched by Chen Jun under his armpit, held in midair, and smiled triumphantly, as if he was the one who knocked all these people down.

Then deliberately put on a fierce appearance, "Huh, you big bad guys, worse than Chen Jun, dare to sneak into the ward from the window to bully us.

Be lenient with confession, strict with resistance, and be honest, who instigated you?

Otherwise, I will let Chen Jun beat you to death! "

The fox pretends to be very righteous and confident.

Long Xiaobao covered his face and couldn't bear to look straight.

Chen Jun...

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