Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3721: Mental shadow

Huang Ying was about to go to the other side of the road to wait, but suddenly she felt a sense of sharpness on her back.

It was as if there was a cold look like a snake looking at her.

Huang Ying couldn't help but shudder, then turned her head and looked behind her.

People come and go at the entrance of the hospital.

Some walked and laughed together, and some walked in a hurry.

Huang Yingzai looked around carefully, but did not find any strange people or places.

Can't help but frown slightly, could it be her illusion?

Or is it because something happened at the entrance of the hospital before, which left some psychological shadows?

The sound of the car whistling sounded not far away.

Huang Ying returned to her senses, and raised her eyes to see that Chen Jun's car had arrived not far in front.

He suppressed the weird thought in his mind, turned around hurriedly, and walked toward the car.

Pulling the car door, looking back and looking behind him again, after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he got into the car.

Chen Jun stretched out her hand and squeezed her chin, pulled her small face in front of him and kissed him, "What's the matter? What are you looking at?"

Huang Ying shook his head slightly, "It's okay, probably because I was hit by a car at the door before, leaving a shadow in my heart.

I always feel weird. "

Chen Jun's eyes sank, and he said guiltily, "I'm sorry, but I didn't protect you."

Thinking of Huang Ling, it would really be cheaper to let her die like that. He wanted to dig her out of the ground and kill her a hundred times.

Huang Ying smiled and leaned forward, kissed the corner of his lips, and comforted, "It has nothing to do with you, it is a grudge from the Huang family."

"You are already a member of my Chen family." Chen Jun frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

There was the sound of urging horns from other cars behind the car.

Huang Ying sneered and slapped his hand away, "I know, drive quickly."

Chen Jun kissed her lips again, then let go and turned to drive.

The smile on Huang Ying's face faded.

Are you from the Chen family?

Before Chen Lao called, she heard clearly.

She wants to be with Chen Jun, fearing that it will not be so easy.

Moreover, Mr. Chen has high hopes for Chen Jun. Will he really allow Chen Jun to hide with her in S City in the future and do nothing?

There are also Xiaobao and Xiaobei. Old Chen is so eager to get them back. Will he really let go?

She didn't know whether her choice was right or wrong, she just... just couldn't bear to see Chen Jun's sadness and pain again.

Perhaps she is selfish after all, and she cannot be as great and selfless as Old Chen, giving up everything for the country.

After all, she is just a little woman, just a little woman who wants her man and son to be good.

The two first went to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

Seeing that Chen Jun was like a man from an ordinary family, carrying a shopping bag in one hand, and still holding her hand in the other.

Huang Ying's eyes could not help overflowing with sweetness.

Back home, Chen Jun took the bag in his hand to the kitchen and put it away.

Huang Ying took an apron and put it on herself, "You go outside and rest for a while, I'll be well soon."

Chen Jun stayed in the hospital for this period of time and has not been able to rest well. He has to be pranked by Long Xiaobei from time to time every day. The **** eyes are almost panda eyes.

A pair of big hands grabbed her straight from behind.

The hot kiss landed on the tips of her ears, and slowly descended, putting her small earlobes in and into the mouth.

Huang Ying's body was a little weak in an instant, and she pushed back busy with her elbow.

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