He knew that Xiaobao had a sense of measure, and his grandfather wanted to see them alone, and he had nothing to worry about.

However, if Grandpa wants to coax these two little guys by coaxing ordinary children, he is afraid he will be disappointed.

I don't know who will be able to coax whom in the end.

After Chen Jun got out of the ward, he looked around outside the door without seeing Huang Ying.

Unable to frown, he went to the outside of the special ward area and saw Huang Ying standing at the window on the other side of the corridor.

It is early winter, and the temperature in the capital at this moment is much lower than in S city.

They left in a hurry, and their clothes were very thin.

Huang Ying wore only a chiffon shirt and single pants.

At this moment, his hands were folded slightly on his chest, and his eyes looked out the window.

Chen Jun stepped forward, reached out and hugged her from behind, hugged her into his broad embrace, and warmed her with the warmth of his body.

He lowered his head in her ear and said, "Why don't you go in together?"

Huang Ying looked back at him hurriedly, "How is Old Chen's health? Is the injury serious?"

Chen Jun took her hand and put it on her head, letting her touch the place where he was hit by the apple just now.

"Don't worry, he is fine, and he still has the strength to hit me with an apple."

Huang Ying hurriedly looked up, her forehead was indeed a little red and slightly swollen, she couldn't help being funny and distressed.

It was really hard for her to imagine how such a majestic old Chen would smash Chen Jun with an apple in his hand.

Probably people outside here can hardly imagine that Chen Jun was chased by someone and smashed his head with an apple.

He rubbed it gently, holding back a smile, and said, "He has injuries on his body, why are you making him angry?"

Chen Jun pulled down her hand and embraced the person again.

Thanks to Huang Ying's good personality, she still speaks for his old man at this time.

"See you sooner or later."

There was no beginning or end to what he said, but Huang Ying understood it all at once.

Slightly back, leaning his weight against him.

He smiled pretendingly, "I think it's better for Mr. Chen not to see me now."

"What's the difference?" Chen Jun didn't care.

Even if his grandfather disagrees, it's impossible for him to marry another woman in his life anyway.

He can't wait to take Huang Ying back to Chen's house, he wants to show her elders, and he wants to announce it to the world.

This is his wife, they have two lovely children.

Huang Ying smiled lightly, "Let's wait until he gets better."

It's just that the smile doesn't reach the bottom of the eye.

Chen Lao now sees her, fearing that he will become sick if he is not sick.

She is now more worried about Xiaobao and Xiaobei.

The two little guys have never seen a big man, and don't know what will happen to Old Chen.

Especially Xiaobei, he has never been afraid of the word in his bones, even if he is facing a big person like Old Chen, he may not be polite to him.

She was afraid that Mr. Chen would not like them, and she was afraid that she would like them too much and would forcefully stay.


On the other side of the ward, Mr. Chen looked at the two little guys, then smiled and said to Long Xiaobei first.

"Is Beckham hungry? What else do you want to eat? Grandpa will be sent over immediately."

Long Xiaobei's eyes sparkled in an instant, and she raised her small face to look at him, "Can I eat anything I want?"

"Of course, those flying in the sky, swimming in the water, as long as Xiaobei wants to eat it." Old Chen nodded with a smile.

Long Xiaobei thought for a while, but unceremoniously said a bunch of things, "Then I want to eat Beijing roast duck, white chicken, braised lion's head, crystal elbow, pineapple and simmered pork, Buddha jumps over the wall..."

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