Seeing Huang Ying leading the two little guys away, Chen Jun asked.

"How's the investigation?"

Ah Si shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Old Chen was hurt at the time, and I didn't have the time to take care of the others. I left in a hurry.

The man must have planned it a long time ago, only to find a car that had been ignited and destroyed by the highway not far from the sniper site.

Did not leave any other clues.

However, you don't need to think about it, but those who dare to do it. "

Chen Jun's face was gloomy, and the Ming family of the four major families in the capital had been completely destroyed.

Only the Chen family, the Mo family and the Feng family are left.

Several powerful families underneath have acted for the upper ranks in recent years.

Coupled with the approaching general election, it is bound to choose between them in order to benefit.

The Chen family and the Mo family had always made friends, but the Feng family's thoughts were elusive.

Before, it was because of their family fighting, there was no time for him to take care of them.

The Ming family has gone wrong again, as long as it is not stupid, it is impossible to help the Ming family.

That's why I was on the same front with them at that time, just taking advantage of the trend.

Now, the internal fighting in the Feng family has completely subsided.

The former family heir, the magnanimous Master Feng, disappeared inexplicably in this internal fight.

The person in charge of the Feng family's father Feng was seriously ill and was bedridden, so the position of the head of the family naturally fell on the second young master of Feng's family.

He also grew up in Beijing since he was a child, and he has had several intersections with these two young masters.

This man looks feminine, has a weird personality, moody, and always strange behavior since he was a child.

What he will do, no one can guess.

If Grandpa is in his current status and status, there are only a handful of people who dare to do something with him in the capital.

Whether it was the second young master Feng Jia who instigated it, he has no evidence now that it is difficult to conclude.

But even if he didn't instigate it, it must have something to do with Feng Jia.

Standing together, the Chen family and the Mo family are bound to oppose the Feng family.

Some things don't need them to instigate themselves, as long as they inadvertently prompt a sentence, naturally someone will take action in order to catch them without fear of death.

These are all expected things, he just didn't expect things to come so soon.

"Have there been other changes in Feng's family recently?"

"Feng's family hasn't moved much, but some people underneath can't hold back their breath." Ah Si replied.

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows, "Is it the Mohist family that has some news?"

The general election is still two years away. It is totally unreasonable to do it now. There must be a reason.

He didn't want to doubt the Mo Family, but apart from that, he couldn't think of anything else for the time being.

Ah Si looked up at Chen Jun, hesitated to speak, but didn't know what to say.

Chen Jun pursed his lips, "Say."

Ah Si sighed, and finally said, "Master, you know, the Chen family is different from the Mo family and the Feng family.

You are the only heir in the family. You have been staying in S City and refused to return to Beijing. There have been many rumors.

It's just because you are still working, you have a good relationship with the Xiao family, and you control S City.

Mr. Chen has always been strong and strong, holding real power in the capital, so those talents are jealous and dare not do anything.

Mr. Mo also advised Mr. Chen several times to transfer you back to Beijing as soon as possible.

Knowing that you have concerns in your heart, Old Chen suppressed everything and never mentioned it to you.

Before Mr. Chen was hospitalized, the conflict between your return to Beijing and the guards at home had already been spread.

Now, you suddenly left your job again, and you haven't returned to Beijing to take up any position. "

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