Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3748: Mad at him for not paying for his life

"I will not marry her."

Chen Jun refused directly and said categorically, "In this life, I will not marry anyone except Huang Ying.

Grandpa, you should die sooner. "

Old Chen was looked around angrily, picked up a book on the table in front of him, and smashed it towards Chen Jun.

"You're boring, do you want to **** me off?"

Chen Jun stood there and did not hide, letting the book fly over his forehead.

Old Chen is such a grandson, so naturally he feels sorry for him.

He hadn't planned to hit him in the first place, so he didn't think that the stinky boy was so good in his daily life that he would not hide now.

Just as he was about to speak, Chen Jun opened his mouth in the next second and uttered an angry sentence that he would not pay for his life.

"I don't want to make you angry, you forced me."

Old Chen almost fell on his back with a "bang" and slapped the table in front of him with a slap, "I'm not doing it for you!"

His grandson is now full of love for children, so how can he have the time to look at the conspiracies hidden behind him.

Chen Jun has already embarked on this path and will never retreat.

If it wasn't for him, why should he work so hard to plan everything for him.

The gunshot wound on his shoulder was not healed, but with such force, it was directly pulled into the wound.

He couldn't help snorting, raised his hand to cover his arm, and his body shook.

Chen Jun hurriedly stepped forward and reached out to help him.

"You leave me aside."

Chen glared at him angrily.

Chen Jun pursed his lips without saying a word, and helped him sit down on the chair behind him.

He pulled off the clothes on his shoulders and checked the wounds for him. Fortunately, it was only slightly pulled and not torn, so he was slightly relieved.

Seeing him tense and nervous, Old Chen couldn't help but relax, and did not intend to discuss this issue with him again.

"When are you going to make the two little guys change their minds?"

Chen Jun...

"You have met them twice, and you haven't told them to change their minds."

These two little guys are not ordinary kids, just buy some delicious and fun coaxes to make them obediently change their mouths.

They have been with Huang Ying for so long, and have suffered so much with her.

It is already on Huang Ying's face to not hate him at this moment.

The two little guys are so smart and independent, and want them to forgive and change their words. How could it be that simple.

If there is a way, Grandpa would have done it already.

Old Chen choked again and stared at him, "Are you their father, or am I?"

In short, it's your problem that you can't change your tongue.

How long has it been from S city to Beijing? I can’t even handle the two little dolls. What use do I want you to? "

In front of his grandfather's unreasonableness, Chen Jun's lips twitched fiercely.

In order to avoid angering him again, he simply shut up.

"What about the names? These two little guys are already at school, and it's time for them to look outside.

Although in our Chen family, it doesn't matter if they don't want to go to school.

However, Xiaobao had stayed at home for the past few years, and rarely even went out.

Now, his body is recovering slowly, and it is always good to be able to go out and see more. "Old Chen looked at him and said.

Huang Ying had been abroad a few years ago, and the two little guys were born abroad.

After returning home this time, the identity issue of Long Xiaobao and Long Xiaobei has not been resolved.

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