Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3773: Deliberately ugly to her

When Huang Ying saw these things, this little girl must blame herself.

Huang Ying glared at him dissatisfied, and under her two big eyes, she looked round and round, like a small milk cat.

People want to rub her head.

The corner of Chen Jun's lips couldn't help showing a smile, and when he raised his hand, he rubbed her head like a kitten.

Huang Ying's forehead couldn't help but drop the black line. What did Chen Jun take her for?

Although Lao Chen next to him didn't seem to pay attention to the two of them, in fact, the corner of his eye was always looking over there.

Seeing the two people look like this, his face darkened.

When is this, Chen Jun actually only cares about the love of his children.

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, he hummed, "I'm afraid it is a very bad influence."

Lang Feng on the side groaned in his heart, and wisely shut his mouth without daring to say a word.

Old Chen turned his head to look at Long Xiaobao and Long Xiaobei with a kind smile on his face.

"Are Xiaobao and Xiaobei full?"

Little Bao nodded, "Yes."

Old Chen turned his head and said to the steward Zhou on the side, "Take the two young masters to the garden for a walk to digest, and let the kitchen prepare some desserts for them and send them back to their yard."

"Yes." Manager Zhou nodded.

Long Xiaobao didn't ask too much either. He had already expressed what he wanted to express. As for the other things, he didn't care, nor did he care.

After getting up to Huang Ying to greet her, he turned and walked towards the outer garden.

Seeing this, Long Xiaobei hurriedly wiped her mouth with a tissue, then ran to Huang Ying and stretched out her little hand to hug her leg.

"See you later, Mommy, I love you~"

After finishing talking, he didn't forget to pouting his little mouth and kissed her, and then ran to chase Long Xiaobao.

Butler Zhou was busy following behind.

After the two little guys walked away, Old Chen calmly faced Chen Jun on the side and said angrily.

"Many adults are still so impulsive to do things, and they are becoming more and more stable as they grow older.

You are good. You used to be calm in your work. Now that you are older, you already have a son, but you are more and more like a hairy guy. Will fight with people for women. "

The reprimand was merciless.

Chen Jun pursed his lips. Grandpa had already talked to him about this problem last night. It is obvious that these words were deliberately taught to Huang Ying and made her look ugly.

"Whether I am 20 or 30, he wants to move my woman, just to die."

Old Chen raised his hand and smashed the chopsticks in front of him towards Chen Jun, "You still have reason? What identity did you use before, what identity are you now."

Huang Ying shook Chen Jun's hand vigorously, not allowing him to speak again.

Chen Jun held her small hand backhand, pursed his lips and did not speak again.

Seeing that he didn't speak anymore, Chen Lao finally relieved the anger that had accumulated in his stomach.

However, he still didn't give him a good face, and he asked directly, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Jun said disapprovingly, "Since I dare to do something, I must be prepared.

Two months ago, Feng Ming met a man secretly on the side of Yuelongtai. According to the information I investigated, that man was one of the lie forces who supported Duli in Zang District.

After a while, I will ask someone to send this message to Feng Ming and let him choose what to do. "

Old Chen frowned, "You don't have the definitive evidence of their collusion now. It's just a meeting, which is not enough to completely knock him down.

It would be too wasteful to disclose this information to him now for such a small matter.

Not only will they be stunned, but it will be even harder to catch them in the future. "

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