Lang Feng personally took her to the secretarial department. He was just a driver beside Chen Jun and did not have any specific duties, but everyone knew that he was the closest to Chen Jun and was also the person Chen Jun trusted the most.

In a sense, he represents Chen Jun.

When the secretary-general and several assistant secretaries inside saw him coming, they all got up and greeted him hurriedly.

"Secretary-General Shen, this is Huang Ying, she will follow you in the future.

I will send you her information in a while. If there is anything wrong with it, please take care of it. "

Lang Feng has already said this, and Secretary-General Shen naturally understands.

No matter what the relationship between Huang Ying and Langfeng is, they are the people they must take good care of.

Busy smiled and nodded, "Secretary Long, don't worry, I will take care of her."

The secretaries are naturally different from their secretaries, but Lang Feng has no position and is a respect for him.

Lang Feng turned his head, and according to Chen Jun's account, said to Huang Ying, "If there is anything, just call."

This call, naturally, meant to call Chen Jun.

Huang Ying nodded, "I know, I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Langfeng."

After Lang Feng greeted the Secretary-General and the others, he turned and left.

"Hello Secretary-General Shen, Secretary Zhou, Secretary Liu, and Secretary Li.

Please take care of it in the future. "

Huang Ying smiled and greeted everyone politely.

Secretary-General Shen smiled and said, "You are welcome, Miss Huang, you just came today. First follow Secretary Zhou to familiarize yourself with the environment. After you get used to this, I will assign you specific tasks."

"Thank you Secretary-General, you can call me Huang Ying." Huang Ying replied with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

Fortunately, the original few people in the secretary's room were very friendly, and it didn't take long for everyone to get acquainted.

After everyone said hello, Huang Ying followed Secretary Zhou to her.

Secretary Zhou first took her outside and made her familiar with the entire Ministry of National Defense building.

Although it is said that it is the secretarial department, which is dedicated to Chen Jun, in fact the secretarial department is on the 6th floor, and Chen Jun’s office is on the 9th floor, which is far away.

When they arrived on the 9th floor, Huang Ying pretended to inadvertently asked Secretary Zhou where Chen Jun's office was.

Secretary Zhou reached out and pointed to her, then looked around and whispered.

"Don't make any other decisions. Although our minister is really heroic in appearance, he is equally calm and serious and scary.

Moreover, it is said that he is not close to female sex, and no woman dared to approach him.

We were all shocked when we suddenly saw the news that the minister was fighting for women this morning.

Fortunately, Feng Shao proved in time that someone deliberately took photos.

However, this woman is so happy to be with Feng Shao and Minister at the same time. "

Huang Ying complained silently in her heart, where she was happy, she was almost scared to death at that time.

Fortunately, the video only captured her lower body, not her face, otherwise, she would definitely be scolded to death by the crazy group of people on the Internet.

She even dare not come here to work.

Secretary Zhou thought of something, and hurriedly turned to Huang Ying and said, "You and Secretary Lang are acquaintances, so have you seen the Minister before?"

Huang Ying laughed dryly and shook her head vigorously, "No, I'm just a distant cousin of Brother Langfeng, where can I see Chen Ju..."

One finished half of the word, and he changed his words in a hurry, "Your Excellency Minister."

Secretary Zhou shrugged and smiled, "Yes."

Seeing that she didn't ask any more questions, Huang Ying was secretly relieved.

Before the two had completed the transfer of the building, Secretary Zhou received a call from Secretary-General Shen, saying that Minister Chen had transported all the things originally in the city hall of S City. Now he is in the lobby on the first floor and asked them to help move them. Go to the minister's office to sort it out.

Secretary Zhou hurriedly led Huang Ying to the lobby on the first floor, and the delivery person was guarding in the middle of the lobby.

The two of them stepped forward to help. Secretary Zhou picked up one of the boxes, and before two steps had been taken, a photo frame fell out of the box. Huang Ying hurriedly bent over to pick it up. After seeing the photo in the photo frame, she held it. The fingers of the photo frame tightened sharply.

(Look at Valentine's Day, I'm still working so hard to update the code, so please ask for a ticket, I will give you refills~)

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