Huang Ying happily checked Weibo and read the news. When she remembered, she checked the time on her phone and found that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

The hand holding the phone tightened fiercely. What are they doing? Why isn't Chen Jun coming back so late?

He got up to the window and looked outside.

The entrance to the courtyard was still empty, without any figure.

After standing at the window for a while, he returned to the sofa.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, I was in a daze. I didn't know what was written on the news.

As time passed by, the temperature on Huang Ying's body gradually lost, and her hands became extremely cold.

Looking down at the phone, it is already four o'clock in the morning.

She knew that she should believe Chen Jun, but there were uncontrollable fantasies in her mind.

I held the phone and looked at it again, but finally didn't dial out.

Without sleep all night, Huang Ying watched the sky gradually whiter outside the window.

I wanted to get up from the sofa, but my body became stiff because of sitting for too long, and I sat back again.

Raising his hand and rubbing the joints for a while, he finally stood up.

After washing, I went out and walked towards the front restaurant, and I just met two little guys when I walked to the entrance of the courtyard.

After eating breakfast with them, Lang Feng called her and said that she had been waiting at the door.

After saying goodbye to the two little guys, Huang Ying went out and got in the car.

Lang Feng glanced at Huang Ying in the rearview mirror and saw that she was not in good spirits. He hesitated and said, "Boss, he has just taken office. He will be busy recently. You may not be able to take care of your family. Don't blame him."

Huang Ying smiled, "I know, I didn't blame him."

Lang Feng, "If you don't have a good rest, you can sleep for a while, and I will call you wherever you are."


Huang Ying responded and turned to look at the imperial city flying past the car window. The red walls and yellow tiles here are a symbol of supreme power, and it is also a place where people's hearts are unpredictable and undercurrents are surging.

The general election is approaching, and Chen Jun is destined to embark on that path.

In any case, she will accompany him, leaning on the back seat and slowly closing her eyes.

Lang Feng slowly stopped the car.

When he was about to turn his head to call Huang Ying, he saw Chen Jun stepping down from a car next to him, waving his hand at him, and beckoning him to get off.

Then he opened the rear door and saw Huang Ying asleep on the back seat.

There was a faint blue circle under the eyelids, and it was obvious that I didn't rest well last night.

This little girl didn't know when he waited until last night, otherwise, it would be impossible to fall asleep in the car.

Get in the car and close the door gently, then carefully pull her into her arms.

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, breathing greedily the breath of her body, and the faint fragrance of shower gel came into his nose.

Thinking of her obediently taking a bath and waiting for herself last night, the corners of her lips twitched, and a touch of pity and distress flashed in her heart.

Carefully kissed the tip of her nose, the corners of her lips, and lingered on her soft red lips for a long time, until her eyelashes trembled slightly and wanted to wake up, then reluctantly let go of her, and patted her back with a big hand. Patted her and coaxed her to sleep again.

He didn't close his eyes all night, hugged the soft body in his arms, buried his head on her neck, and slowly closed his eyes while smelling the breath of her body.

When Huang Ying woke up in a daze from her sleep, she stretched her waist subconsciously, but her body seemed to be imprisoned in her arms.

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