At the first time the alarm sounded, Xiao Moli must have received the news.

At this moment, he must be on his way back.

Therefore, no matter who the person outside is, there is very little time left for them.

These people have triggered the defense system. At this moment, they will definitely be panicked and want to find the defense alarm to be removed, and they will be delayed for a short time outside.

As long as she can hold on before Xiao Moli rushes back, nothing will happen.

Gritting his teeth, his mind turned quickly.

I immediately went to the TV background wall in the living room and pressed a little force on a certain pattern on the wall.

The TV background wall turned into a hidden door, turning around in an instant.

Rows of guns of various sizes were exposed on the wall.

She has been with Xiao Moli for a long time, these things naturally

An Ziqi reached out and took two from the top, one placed behind her, the other with a sniper rifle in her hand, and then quickly scanned the surrounding living room, found a place to cover, set up the sniper rifle, and waited for those invasions. The arrival of the person.

Before, she quarreled Xiao Moli and wanted to learn to defend herself, but Xiao Moli didn't want her to suffer, and only taught the simplest and rude marksmanship.

Fortunately, she has some talents. Although she is not as supernatural as the world's top snipers, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection under normal circumstances.

The whole house quieted down instantly. She was hiding behind the cupboard next to the sofa, and she could even hear her heart beating.

She didn't know who the people outside were. She only knew that Xiao Ai needed her protection. In any case, she had to persist until Xiao Moli came back.

This is just the simplest alarm system, and there is no defense mechanism that they have in city s.

The alarm was quickly lifted, and a few minutes later, there was a slight movement outside the door, and then the door was knocked open with a "bang".

A man wearing black clothes and a black hood walked in from outside with a gun in his hand.

An Ziqi held her breath and waited until three people came in consecutively outside the door, narrowed one eye, aimed at that person's gun hand, and squeezed the trigger forcefully with her finger.

"Bang-bang-bang" three muffled sounds, the hands of the three people who broke into the house with guns were all shot, and all the guns in their hands fell to the ground.

There was a muffled gunshot outside the door, and bullets swept into the room.

These people were using silencer guns, and they were obviously prepared, or they were originally targeted at them, and it was not a terrorist attack that suddenly launched a terrorist attack.

The bullet hit the sofa indiscriminately, and the cabinet made a popping sound.

An Ziqi held her mind, took advantage of the chaos, aimed at the legs of the three people, and hit them accurately. The three people instantly fell to the ground and crawled out of the door with pain.

She was so soft-hearted that she couldn't kill people without blinking, and let them crawl out.

After a while, someone suddenly broke in outside the door.

An Ziqi knew that this was someone outside the door trying to get her out and find her position.

If there are two people in the house, the other one can cover her transfer. Unfortunately, there is only An Ziqi in the house at the moment.

If she does not take action and let the person in, the situation will only be more dangerous. She has no choice but to take a gamble.

Bet she is luckier and can run past the opponent's bullet.

His eyes scanned around quickly, took a slight breath, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

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