Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4103: She is here (3)

There is Mr. Chen on one side and Minister Chen on the other. He can't afford to offend either.

The only thing that can be done is to report truthfully.

As for what Minister Chen and Han Lesheng want to do, it is not for him to decide.

Chen Jun directly looked up at the Han Lesheng, "Now, you can tell me where Huang Ying is."

Han Lesheng didn't talk too much nonsense. He directly reached out his hand and took out a mobile phone and a small chip from his pocket, and then handed it to Chen Jun.

"After the bomb attack, the young master heard that you and his wife were injured, so he hurried to rush over. He became ill while on the plane..."

Chen Jun's body tightened instantly when she heard this.

"After the onset of the illness, General Chen had already sent the two young masters to the young master of the Xiao family as soon as possible, and they are now out of danger.

Just need to stay there for a few years to recuperate. "

Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaobao and Xiaobei were Huang Ying's lifeblood, and she could not even want her own life for Xiaobao.

If something happens to Xiaobao, she probably won't forgive him in her life.

Han Lesheng continued, "Ms. Huang left the hospital at 8:30 in the morning four days ago. Because of the military hospital, there was no surveillance for a certain distance.

Therefore, Miss Huang completely lost her trace from there.

General Chen ordered us to conduct a secret search in the capital when Miss Huang disappeared, but there is still no news.

However, what is certain is that no matter it is the TZ party or other parties, there has been no news about Miss Huang so far, so she should be safe at the moment.

Your previous mobile phone was destroyed in the explosion. General Chen ordered it to be replaced for you.

All the previous things in your hands have been copied intact.

Also, this chip contains all the monitoring data after Ms. Huang left the hospital, as well as the investigation of the car, the owner and all other investigations.

If you don't trust us, you can let your people take over all investigations. "

Chen Jun closed his eyes slightly, he believed that this time had come, and Grandpa didn't need to lie to him.

However, there is still no news!

Even the people in the intelligence department couldn't find the slightest clue, where could Huang Ying go?

Turning his head quickly, he ordered the attending doctor to go out and bring a computer.

Then he waved to let everyone out.

"Minister Chen, the general asked me to tell you that for the sake of Young Master's condition, Young Master didn't know about Miss Huang.

I just said that Ms. Huang is still recuperating in the hospital. Before you find Ms. Huang, if you receive a call from the young master, please cooperate. "

Han Lesheng finished talking about Old Chen's last request, and gave a military salute to Chen Jun, and then retired.

Turning on the phone, even though he knew it was impossible, he couldn't wait to dial out the phone number he was already familiar with.

"Hello, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

There was no unexpected voice from a cold female voice on the phone.

Although this was the result that had already been expected, Chen Jun still inevitably felt a deep sense of loss in his heart.

He lowered his head and opened the phone album. Inside were all kinds of Orioles.

Some smiled brightly in the sun, and some played happily with Xiaobao and Xiaobei.

The smile on that face was brighter than the sun in the sky.

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