Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4126: He is selfish

He squatted down, moved his hands quickly on the ribs on both sides of Gu Rui's body, and checked his limbs.

Then he reached out and raised his body slightly, and checked the spine behind him with the other hand.

Fortunately, even though those people had a heavy hand, they did avoid the deadly position.

Except for the fracture of two ribs, there is only a slight crack in the spine.

There were too many people who saw Huang Ying in the hospital, and Doctor Meng did not dare to take her back to the hospital openly.

Although Minister Chen has now relaxed the search and martial law in the capital, all of his energy is on the S city.

But that was just a postponement after all. With Minister Chen's ingenuity, the clues he deliberately left Gu Rui and the smoke bombs in S City could only be delayed for a while at most.

In less than ten days and a half, he will find that the situation is not right and return to the capital to search again.

Moreover, the military area hospital is the site of Mr. Chen, and many people in it are Mr. Chen's cronies.

Once they discovered the existence of Huang Ying, Mr. Chen and Minister Chen would know immediately.

He admits that he is very selfish, he just thinks Huang Ying is less important to the country than Old Chen.

Moreover, General Chen is the country's important minister, no matter from which aspect, it is impossible for him to transplant his cornea to Huang Ying.

After thinking about it, I had to let her wait in place.

Then stepped forward, avoiding the part of Gu Rui's injured ribs, and carefully lifted Gu Rui from the ground to get the person upstairs.

Seeing the mess in the flower shop downstairs, there was no time to think about it, and he quickly went downstairs to help Huang Ying up.

Huang Ying had already told him about Gu Rui's general situation on the phone.

Dr. Meng brought a complete set of inspection tools and medicines.

After doing a detailed inspection for Gu Rui, he also helped Huang Ying to do an inspection by the way.

"Doctor Meng, what's going on with Gu Rui?" Huang Ying asked Dr. Meng anxiously.

Doctor Meng took her hand away, and said while examining her.

"Two ribs are broken, there is a slight bone fracture in the spine, internal organs are injured, and the others are all traumas."

When Huang Ying heard this, the guilt in her heart almost swallowed her.

"Don't worry, you don't need surgery for rib fractures, and you only need to slowly recover for a while.

I fainted because of internal bleeding caused by internal injuries, and because I didn't have a good rest during the recent period.

In order to relieve the pain of his broken ribs, I have given him an anesthesia injection, so he will probably not wake up until tomorrow morning.

After that, he only needs to take the medicine every day and recuperate slowly.

But you have severe frostbite on your knees, which may leave some sequelae such as joint pain in the future.

Although these illnesses are not life-threatening, they occur every time the weather is cold, and they are very tormenting.

In the future, we must pay attention to keeping warm in winter..."

Dr. Meng explained the precautions to her, and quickly handled the wound on her leg that had been rubbed by kneeling.

The winter in Beijing is colder than the winter in the north, and she frowned when she looked at her frozen, red and swollen fingers like a few carrots.

I went out to find frostbite medicine and applied it all on her legs and hands.

After everything is done, it is late.

Doctor Meng originally wanted Huang Ying to go back to her room to rest, but Huang Ying was worried and insisted on staying in Gu Rui's room.

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