Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4135: Catch the key information in one click

In fact, saying that it is a small black house is just a relatively vivid statement.

The entire negative 2B area is quite large, and various facilities are complete.

Even the top spy in the world can never go back and forth in front of the facilities here.

Here, Chen Jun just got out of the elevator, and he still has time to press his fingerprint on the door to enter.

The door of negative 2B has been opened in front of him.

Lang Feng walked out in a hurry and saw Chen Jun handing the tablet computer in his hand to him.

"These are several places found based on Dr. Meng's whereabouts in the past few days and his mobile phone communication records. This place should be the place where the wife has been living today..."

Although the doctor Meng was very cautious and careful, he used other people's phone numbers when he drove the car, but if he wanted to use this method to confuse them, he would underestimate them.

Chen Jun squeezed the tablet computer tightly, and the computer screen was a small flower shop.

There are a few tables missing, and some flowers are sparsely placed on the remaining tables.

Chen Jun couldn't help but frowned slightly, but his ears caught the key information in Lang Feng's words.

"prior to?"

Lang Feng nodded in shame, "There is no one there now. Because of the new district, the road monitoring system has not been fully installed, so it is impossible to find out what happened there.

But according to the surrounding merchants, they saw the wife there early this morning, and saw her...see her..."

Lang Feng took a peek at Chen Jun, but hesitated and couldn't say anything.

"What did you see her?" Chen Jun raised his eyes and looked at him sharply.

Lang Feng gritted his teeth and bit his head, "I saw that she and Mr. Gu got into the car and left with them."

When Chen Jun heard this, he raised his hand and threw the tablet computer in his hand.

Missed again!

It's like passing by again!

Gu Rui!

Chen Jun gritted his teeth, he better pray not to be caught by him.

"Because of the construction of the new district, the nearby city road monitoring has not been installed, and none of them can be used.

Therefore, there is no way to find their car.

The mobile phone numbers of Mrs. and Mr. Gu were cancelled in the morning, and nothing was found. "

Chen Jun pressed a thin lips tightly.

Beijing’s urban road monitoring has always been the most strict and intensive, and it happens that the monitoring of the construction of the new district here is not available, and they happen to live here.

Obviously, they chose this place deliberately in order to avoid his investigation.

Long Feng did not wait for Chen Jun to speak and promised that he was busy, "Boss, don't worry, Miss Huang just left in the morning, they won't be able to go far.

We must be able to find her. "

Chen Jun's face is still ugly, "Is there any news from the entrances and exits of the capital?"

"Not yet, but all have been greeted, including airports and stations, all have been arranged.

As long as the lady shows up, she will be able to find out in the first time. "Lang Feng replied.

Chen Jun said, "Did the doctor explain?"

Lang Feng replied, "Not yet, the boss hasn't spoken, didn't dare to use other means against him.

Chen Jun calmly raised his leg and walked inside the gate.

At first sight, I saw Dr. Meng sitting on a chair with his hands and feet tied to the chair immobile.

Even at this moment, there is still no fear on his face.

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