Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4148: It's his hands behind his back again

Before Chen Junyue was ready to try, Lang Feng rushed forward and confronted Chen Jundao first.

"Boss, I sent someone to guard here before. Knowing where Madam is now, I will immediately let them take you over."

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows, and then gave up the idea of ​​breaking in.

He turned and walked towards the car, obviously waiting for him to find someone to lead the way.

Lang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call the person who had been told to stay here.

After dozens of seconds, an address was sent to his mobile phone.

Lang Feng quickly turned around and walked to Chen Jun's car.

The glass on the driver's seat automatically fell, and Lang Feng lowered his head and said to Chen Jun the position he had just received.

The voice here fell, and the car over there had already "swizzled" and disappeared before his eyes.

Lang Feng stroked his forehead, and kept up with him in a hurry.

Fortunately, the location received just now was quite close to the current location of the flower shop. Two minutes later, the two people's car had stopped in front of a small villa.

Like the flower shop just now, the house is dark.

Chen Jun twisted his eyebrows and looked at the small villa in front of him. If he hadn't keenly caught the people who belonged to him guarding the house, he might think that Lang Feng was lying to him.

He opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at the small dark building in front of him, Chen Jun stood still and did not open his mouth or step forward.

Just standing in front of the car door fixedly looking at the direction of the house.

Lang Feng and the people who had been guarding in the dark before, no one dared to speak, the boss wanted to guard here, they had to guard, and always pay attention to the safety situation around them.

In the distance, the edge of the sky showed a little white fish belly, and the sky gradually brightened.

Ten minutes later, the lights in the villa also turned on.

Chen Jun, who had been standing there all night, saw the lights in the house come on, and the whole person seemed to come to life in an instant, and his eyes lit up when he looked into the house.

Inside the house.

Huang Ying tossed and turned on the bed all night.

When something happened to Gu's family, Chen Jun suddenly came over, and the two quarreled fiercely. She was very confused and worried about where Gu Rui could fall asleep.

After the alarm clock set in the morning went off, I got up directly.

Fortunately, after the previous period of exercise, she has long been accustomed to not seeing it with the eyes, and she can also dress, wash, and do simple things skillfully by herself.

Of course, it is still a bit difficult for her to complete the overly complicated breakfast production alone.

The main reason was that she was afraid that she would burn the house alone without her knowledge.

I simply heated a glass of milk in the kitchen, then fumbled to find the remote control, and pressed the power button in the direction of the TV in the memory.

Gu Rui knows that she has always thought of Chen Jun in her heart. Therefore, whether it is at home or in the flower shop, when the TV is turned on, it is directly a news channel, so that she can learn about Chen Jun directly from the news.

After listening to it for a long time, I finally heard a piece of news about what national convention Chen Jun presided over the day before yesterday.

Huang Ying held the remote control in his hand and listened to the entire news report word by word.

I listened for more than ten minutes. It was a matter of some countries. Other than that, there was nothing.

She couldn't see it. She thought it was a program that only broadcasts national news, so she fumbled with the remote control and changed several channels one by one.

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