Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4161: Open romance (1)

"Ah" Mother Gu screamed, and landed again after hitting the wall.

All the people in the house were stunned for an instant.

Huang Ying couldn't see it, only heard a bang, and didn't know what was happening at the moment.

Liang Jingjing didn't expect that an inexplicable stranger would suddenly emerge from the outside, and he dared to do something to Gu's mother.

On the other hand, Gu Rui was surprised at the appearance of the person in front of him. For a while, he was surprised. How could he appear here at this time?

This person is Chen Jun's subordinate. He had seen him by Chen Jun's side several times before, so he had some impressions of him.

Now that he suddenly appears here, doesn't it mean that Chen Jun already knows that Huang Ying is here?

Where is Chen Jun? Is he already here? Or is it that this talent has just discovered that Chen Jun hasn't had time to come over?


Lang Feng walked in from the door, took a look at Gu Rui, and walked straight to Huang Ying, bypassing him.

Shen said, "Sorry, I frightened you."

The boss left him here to protect Huang Ying's safety.

Because of Gu Rui's relationship, he had already investigated all the information of the Gu family clearly.

Including Gu Rui's parents and all existing members of the Gu family.

Before, the reason why he would let Gu's mother and Liang Jingjing come in was because he recognized that the person was Gu Rui's mother.

He is equally aware of the mess that Gu's family has been doing recently.

Gu Rui only went back for two days to deal with everything and then left.

He only thought that Gu's mother was here to find her son back, but he didn't expect that she would take action against Huang Ying.

Fortunately, after Gu's mother and the woman entered the door, they never closed the door. He rushed over in time when he saw something was wrong in secret.

If Huang Ying had suffered any injuries here today, he would be dead.

Thinking of this, Lang Feng could not help but wipe a cold sweat in his heart.

When Huang Ying heard Lang Feng's voice, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head, "I'm fine."

"I just said hello to the boss, you leave with me first." Lang Feng said.

Huang Ying bit her lower lip, she couldn't stay by Gu Rui forever.

Before Gu's family had an accident, she had already planned to leave.

It's just that Gu's sudden accident disrupted her plan.

She originally wanted to accompany Gu Rui through this difficult period, but now it seems that it is no longer suitable for her to stay here.

But when she was asked to go back to Chen Jun's place with Lang Feng, thinking of Mr. Chen, she couldn't help having a headache.

Before she nodded and left with Lang Feng, Gu's mother, who was kicked by Lang Feng on the wall before, was finally relieved at this moment.

Although Lang Feng has been with Chen Jun, he is basically hidden in the dark and never appeared in front of the public media.

Therefore, it is not as recognizable as Chen Jun.

Unless you met him at the Ministry of National Defense, or met him before, like Gu Rui, it is impossible to know him.

Naturally, the same is true for Gu's mother. Before, when Gu's family was beautiful, whether at home or abroad, she had always enjoyed everyone's pursuit.

Now that Gu's family went bankrupt, the people who had been around her before immediately ridiculed her, and she was fed up with the ridicule of those people.

Now, a man came out inexplicably and even dared to beat her.

How can she tolerate Huang Ying even if she wants to take away that cheap girl?

With a lowly girl like Huang Ying, she didn't think she would know any powerful person, otherwise she wouldn't have been so stubbornly clinging to Gu Rui.

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