Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4610: Xiao Chen's Secret

"Did you not understand what Xiao Chen said just now? This matter has nothing to do with you." Xiao Moli yelled with red eyes.

An Ziqi bit her lower lip vigorously, "Mo Li, Mu Qingfeng is the lifesaver of Xiao Ai and I. Without him, Xiao Ai and I would have been bitten to death by those poisonous snakes when we fell into the secret.

The situation in the secret realm is critical, and Mu Qingfeng is in danger of dying at any time. I can't watch him die and do nothing. "

Xiao Moli looked at her, silently did not speak, a thin lip was already tightly pressed into a straight line.

An Ziqi had to speak again, "Don't worry, I will be careful.

The turbid qi invaded my body before, but I was not careful and didn't pay attention.

With my current mental power and spiritual power, there is definitely no problem dealing with those turbid qi. "

"Besides, we don't necessarily have to deal with all the stale air in the cave.

Just think of a way to reinforce the seal of the cave, break the seal, and the stale air that leaks to the outside, although it is troublesome, there is always a way to clean it..."


An Ziqi's mouth is almost worn out, and she has repeatedly promised that she will risk her life.

If the situation has really reached a point where there is no way to control it, you must put your safety first and leave there directly.

Xiao Moli reluctantly nodded in agreement, but only if he wanted to go with her.

An Ziqi immediately strongly objected, the situation in the secret realm is too dangerous now, even she herself does not have full confidence.

How could she put Xiao Moli in such a dangerous situation.

Xiao Moli naturally refused to give in.

Xiao Chen said helplessly from the side, "Okay, stop arguing, I'm not afraid of those things, I'll go with you."

The two stopped arguing.

The situation was urgent, and there were no more delays.

An Ziqi wanted to take a few of them and transfer them to the secret realm in an instant.

But her body had only just recovered, and besides, she didn't know what dangers she would face when she reached the Changbai Secret Realm, so Xiao Moli naturally refused to agree.

After greeted Chen Jun, he directly arranged a plane and some clothes and supplies for going up the mountain.

Xiao Moli drove to the airport, and then a few people flew directly to Changbai Mountain.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, the helicopter and supplies were already prepared.

Several people rushed to the small stone platform where the secret realm entrance was located at the fastest speed before it got dark.

The stone platform was already narrow, and a few people crowded on it, looking at the looming barrier in front of them, An Ziqi and Xiao Chen couldn't help frowning.

It seems that the situation in the secret realm is really serious.

Otherwise, the barrier will not be revealed in this way.

Fortunately, this place is in the no man's land of Changbai Mountain, and Ye He's house has already been wiped out by her.

Xiu Siyu rushed to the barrier anxiously, raised his hand and pressed it on it, trying to open it forcibly with his weak spiritual power.

However, no matter what she did, it was useless.

An Ziqi stepped forward, pulled her back a bit, raised her hand on the enchantment, and used her spiritual power in her palm, just as she had done before.

The situation was worse than she thought, and the barrier was quickly opened.

An Ziqi immediately released her mental power as soon as the barrier opened, set up a spiritual power barrier around several people, and then walked towards the barrier together.

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