"That's right, you killed your relatives yourself.

You killed everyone by yourself.

Your parents, your family, relatives, friends, everyone will eventually be killed by you.

All your pain is the result of your selfishness. It is your own self-acceptance. You deserve it..."

Xiu Siyu yelled at her like crazy, the blood in his mouth fell to the ground, and his originally delicate and beautiful face looked particularly hideous.

But, until the end, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"An Ziqi, you return my Qingfeng brother, you return my Qingfeng brother..."

An Ziqi only felt that the pain in her head was about to explode, her body shook in place, her eyes filled with tears, she looked at Xiao Moli, "How long are you going to hide it from me?"

At this moment, Xiao Moli only wished to kill that Xiu Siyu immediately, this woman stabbed An Ziqi's heart again and again with a dagger.

If it weren't for the fear of An Ziqi's pain, he would never spare her.

With a slight force in his hand, he held An Ziqi's shoulder, "Listen to me, Xiao Chen is not an ordinary person.

After so many years, he can even go to the underworld and **** people from Hades.

It's the same this time, he will definitely be fine. "

An Ziqi just looked fixedly in the direction of the distant mountain, without opening any mouth.

Xiao Moli stroked her cheek with his fingertips, "Listen to me, you will go back to Longyuan with me first, and we will discuss other things longer.

Before Xiao Ai could even make those fairy fruits, it shows that these things are not invulnerable.

Things can always find a solution..."

An Ziqi was cold all over, and she only felt that her breath was stuck in her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

The words that Xiusiyu said were like a spell, echoing in her ears over and over again.

It was her fault, she was too selfish, and killed so many people, and also killed Mu Qingfeng and Xiao Chen.

In order to save her back then, Xiao Chen even gave up Lan Yue's life and chose her on that scale.

But now, she actually harmed Xiao Chen.

What face did she have when she went back to see Lan Yue and Xiao Hua.

Even if Lan Yue and Mommy didn't blame her, she couldn't forgive herself.

If she could stand up earlier, no one would die, and Xiao Chen would not have an accident.

By now, she had no way to continue to sit idly by.

These should be her business, and shouldn't let other people take care of her.

Made up his mind, turned around, hugged Xiao Moli, took a few breaths on his body, resisted the soreness in his nose, and whispered, "Xiao Moli."

Holding his hand slowly up, stopped at the acupuncture point on the back of his neck.

She knew that Xiao Moli would not agree with her decision, and even if she insisted, she would definitely choose to go with her.

However, Xiao Chen has already had an accident, and she can't let Xiao Moli take risks anymore.

"I'm here." Xiao Moli hugged her back and raised his hand to caress her by her hair.

An Ziqi stood on her toes slightly and kissed his lips lightly, "I love you."

"I know, but I want you to know..."

In the next second, Xiao Moli rushed to An Ziqi before moving, stroking her hand behind her neck and squeezing her faintly.

Hugging the person tightly in her arms, in her ear, she finished what she hadn't said just now, "I love you too."

No one knows An Ziqi better than him.

(The author has something to say: Xiao Chen is not dead~)

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