An Ziqi gritted her teeth and immediately mobilized all her mental power to divide it into two parts, and one part wrapped Xiao Moli to help him resist the foul air invading his body.

The other part got directly into Xiao Chen's body to prevent him from exploding.

It's just that she had just practiced, and during this period of time she rushed back and forth, and there was almost no time to meditate and cultivate her spiritual power.

Even if she is talented and intelligent and has a special physique, this mental power is indeed the top level among the monks outside, but it is not enough in front of these stale air that has been accumulated from ancient times.

Moreover, she has to take care of both at the same time.

Seeing that Xiao Chen's body was almost completely transparent, on the verge of exploding.

As if feeling the urgency of the situation there, Xiao Moli suddenly turned his head and yelled at her.

"I can, stop Xiao Chen first."

Both of them are her dearest relatives and love, and she doesn't want to give up either.

But the current situation, if she continues like this, neither Xiao Moli nor Xiao Chen will be able to keep it.

Before he could think about it, he quickly said to Xiao Moli, "You wait for me."

Immediately withdraw the mental power on Xiao Moli's body, and quickly control all of the mental power to invade Xiao Chen's body, and the other part set up a barrier to completely envelop Xiao Chen's whole person.

With the addition of her mental power, Xiao Chen's body finally began to return to normal.

She hadn't had time to mobilize her mental energy to help Xiao Moli.

Over there, with a bang, a shower of blood fell on a small part of the blood talisman that had been swallowed by the black muddy air in front of Xiao Chen.

The blood talisman suddenly burst into blood, and fell directly on the top of the stone pond, forming a red enchantment again.

As the blood rain fell, the blood charms on the ground were also intertwined with red light, and layers of blood light completely wrapped Shi Tan.

An Ziqi was stunned, her body froze in place, she didn't dare to turn around to look, let alone think about where the blood rain came from.

And with the appearance of the red enchantment, the depths of the stone pool suddenly let out a roar like a beast.

This roar went through the clouds, like a call, but also like an order.

"Boom boom boom" The place where the whole cave was located began to vibrate violently.

Immediately afterwards, the black stale air that had surged to the outside world suddenly broke through the enchantments in the cave outside and all rolled back.

An Ziqi violently pushed Xiao Chen away by her hand.

Those angry black airs were revengeful, and they all penetrated into her body along every pore of her body.

The overwhelming pain instantly drowned An Ziqi's whole body, and she could even feel that the cells in her body were being swallowed one by one and exploding.

"Ah" An Ziqi couldn't help but yelled, "Puff", spit out a big mouthful of blood, and every cell on her skin seemed to be overflowing with fine and dense blood.

However, in a short moment, the clothes outside her had already been dyed red, and the whole person seemed to have become a blood man.

Obviously, with her current cultivation base, she couldn't bear so many turbid air intruding at the same time.

Before long, her body will no longer be able to withstand a direct burst.

Xiao Chen, who was pushed aside by her, finally gradually regained consciousness at this moment. Seeing the situation before him, he didn't have time to think about it, and he took the dagger and slashed on his wrist again.

(I'm so scared to write this plot, first say hello, Xiao Moli is not dead, An Ziqi is not dead, neither is dead~)

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