An Ziqi couldn't help but feel heavy again, and forcibly opened her eyes.

I want to see exactly what is going on in that Jade Lake.

What happened to Xiao Moli now.

Under the dazzling light, An Ziqi almost opened her eyes, and bursts of pain immediately came out of her eyes.

Those rays of light seemed to have turned into substance, turning into sharp needles piercing her eyes.

Physiological tears rushed out in an instant, An Ziqi could only vaguely see in the jade pond, at this moment a shadow appeared faintly.

It's just that I can't see clearly anyway.

An Ziqi gritted her teeth, endured the pain, lifted her leg forward, trying to see clearly.

Before he could walk over, a big hand grabbed her directly from behind, and then, the other big hand covered her eyes and pulled her back a little.

Then, Xiao Chen's voice rang in his ears.

"Don't worry, Mo Li wants to recover. Originally, he only needed a drop of Jade Lake holy water.

Now, his entire primordial spirit is bathing in the Jade Lake, and the changes it brings are naturally not comparable to one drop of Jade Lake holy water or two drops, and the changes that have taken place must be earth-shaking.

This may be a chance for him. "

Between the world, how many people want to crave a drop of the holy water in the Yaochi Lake.

Xiao Moli is now taking a bath directly in the Yaochi, probably even Queen Mother West herself has never done this.

Before, because of An Ziqi's Yuanling Immortal Body, on the way to the monk, although Xiao Moli didn't say anything, he still felt a little depressed in his heart.

In addition, An Ziqi absorbed and transformed those turbid qi later, and after her spiritual power skyrocketed, she became even more depressed.

In the past, he always relied on himself and needed himself to pamper and protect him all the time. From then on, he suddenly no longer needed him, and even started to stand in front of him, and began to protect him and guard him.

This is unacceptable in any normal man's heart.

What's more, Xiao Moli's possessive and protective desire for An Ziqi is even more powerful than ever.

Now, looking at the current situation, Xiao Moli must be undergoing a radical change at this moment.

Perhaps, after this change, Xiao Moli will never be depressed anymore.

It’s just that if you want to succeed, it’s not so easy.

Xiao Chen raised his head and glanced at the top of his head. The thick black fog that was rolling violently looked more intense and depressed.

"Xiao Chen, are you sure that Mo Li is okay now?"

An Ziqi was covering her eyes, she couldn't see anything, and asked in a panic.

"Don't worry, don't you believe me? I am much more reliable than Mo Li." Xiao Chen said lightly.

An Ziqi, uh...

"Actually, Moli is much more reliable than you."

The corners of Xiao Chen's lips twitched, and he said in dissatisfaction, "You are the filter that comes with your love when you look at him, so how can I be reliable for that kid."

"Except for medical skills, everything is more reliable than you."


The two exchanged a few words, An Ziqi's uneasy mood, but finally relaxed slightly.

She knew that Xiao Chen was teasing her deliberately and wanted her to relax.

However, as long as Xiao Moli didn't stand in front of her for a second, she couldn't be completely relieved for a second.

Knowing that she couldn't really feel relieved, Xiao Chen held An Ziqi's hands in her eyes, and gently stroked them in front of her eyes.

An Ziqi only felt that Xiao Chen's fingertips seemed to carry a hint of coolness.

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