I saw that in the pool of water, the person who had been keeping his eyes closed, now slowly opened his eyes.

In the depths of those dark and deep eyes, lightning of various colors was reflected in the sky.

Looking at An Ziqi, who was already confused, a thin reddish lip was completely pressed into a straight line.

Hugging An Ziqi tightly with one hand, with a slight force, she pulled her from her body, embraced her, and carefully guarded her to block the celestial calamity that was still falling in the sky.

The other hand raised his hand and made a grasping motion in the direction of Pan Taoyuan in the distance.

After a rustle of swaying branches, everyone in the heavenly court hadn't reacted yet, and a "swish swish" sound came from a distance, quickly approaching the Yaochi side.

Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction from which the sound came, only to see large and small flat peaches flying here at an astonishing speed.

Xiao Moli lowered his head slightly, kissed An Ziqi's forehead, then carefully placed the person in the pool, "crash", and stood up from the Yaochi.

Those flat peaches fell into the jade pond one by one, and almost immediately turned into energy and merged into the water.

However, within a short period of time, the water in the pool stained red with blood regained its green color.

An Ziqi's battered body, which was previously injured by the heavens, was soaked in the pool water, recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Moli casually set a barrier around An Ziqi's body, raised his hand and glanced at the constantly rolling sea of ​​clouds directly above his head.

Raising his hand up and grabbing hard, I saw that all kinds of lightning that were constantly rolling in the sea of ​​clouds were all caught by Xiao Moli abruptly from the sea of ​​clouds.

That ball of colorful lightning made a crackling sound in Xiao Moli's palm. As more and more lightning gathered in his palm, the cloud of tribulation in the sky gradually dissipated.

Until there was no trace of lightning left in the sea of ​​clouds, the sky above everyone's heads returned to its original tranquility and peace.

But at this moment, everyone hiding in the dark was not at all peaceful, and everyone couldn't help but stare.

Even the eyes of the Emperor Tian couldn't help but shrink.

It's not that no one can do it with this great magical power to end the tribulation.

However, looking at the entire heavenly court, there are absolutely few people who can do it.

An Ziqi's soaring cultivation is understandable, at least her physique is special.

But Xiao Moli was only a mortal corpse before, and even a mere mortal, even after the baptism of Yaochi holy water, the cultivation base suddenly soared to such an exaggeration.

what on earth is it?

Queen Mother West in Fenghua Palace saw the situation in front of her, and she was so angry that she burst into tears.

It wasn't enough for them to ruin her Yaochi. Now, even her Pantao Garden was completely looted. No matter how big or small, there was no Pantao left.

All were thrown into the Jade Pond by Xiao Moli and absorbed and recovered by An Ziqi.

Angrily was about to make a move, but was stopped by the Emperor of Heaven again.

"Tiandi, are you going too far?

You and I just sit on an equal footing, but now, you stop me again and again.

What is your intention to cause me such a loss? "

Queen Mother Xi was angry at the Emperor of Heaven in her divine consciousness.

"You know what you are thinking about yourself.

These two people have special identities, and it is definitely not for you and me to move. "

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