Su Heng almost didn't fall down in anger by Little Mango. He saw someone blocking the road and robbing him, but he had never seen anyone driving a mecha to rob someone's factory in broad daylight.

Their Su family is considered to have a good face, as the head of the Su family, for so many years, no one has dared to be so presumptuous in front of him.

Before Yun Yi went directly to the mecha to smash the door, the huge movement had already attracted all the workers in the production workshop.

Before he had so many genus, Su Heng could not hang on his face when he was stunned by a kid who was only a few years old.

"You father and son are really amazing. In broad daylight, you call the deer a horse.

Really when my Su family is no one, when we are all afraid of you?

Don't think that Master Leysin accepts you as an apprentice, and has a little relationship with the military, so you can do whatever you want.

Mr. Shen has been closely related to the military for so many years, and he has never been so ignorant and reckless as you.

Really there is no law in the empire, no one can restrain you?

Not to mention the military department, today, even if you go to the parliament or your Royal Highness, you will definitely not let your looting behavior succeed. "

Su Heng's remarks sounded righteous and impassioned, but in the final analysis, they are essentially just a fake tiger.

With the help of Shen Qiu's relationship with the military department, Xiao Mango and Yun Yi father and son were suppressed.

Shen Qiu's face seemed to be smiling, but he didn't think that Su Heng was really complimenting him.

However, it did not expose it.

In the matter of Master Leisen last time, Yun Yi and his son had already offended the military department.

However, I didn't know why, and within two days, the attitude of the two generals changed rapidly.

Not only didn't blame them for Master Leysin's affairs, but verbally seemed to have a close relationship with them, and a good relationship.

It can be seen that the methods of the father and son are not ordinary.

Now, Yun Yi is in the mecha, and the door of the airtight compartment will not be opened and will never come down.

He wanted to see how this little guy would cope without Yun Yi.

Of course, what Shen Qiu didn't know was that all the contacts with the military department behind him were all busy by Little Mango.

Yun Yi hadn't even participated in the slightest at all.

Little Mango raised his eyebrows and said indifferently, "This is originally mine, do I need to grab it?"

An ironic smile appeared on Su Heng's face, and he said triumphantly, "Ha ha, yours?

Even if I destroy the factory, I will never let you take it away.

What's more, yesterday I signed an agreement with the 3Y company, and this factory will soon be merged into 3Y and become a part of 3Y.

Everything here will belong to 3Y. "

Shen Qiu on the side finally frowned upon hearing this.

Six months ago, the arms market was suddenly turbulent, and many small military factories were acquired.

He didn't care at that time, because Haien's main business had nothing to do with these small factories.

However, just about half a month ago, these previously acquired small factories suddenly announced their alliance to form the 3Y company.

In just one week, they quickly seized more than 30% of the Empire and Federation arms market.

3Y quickly gained a foothold in the arms market and controlled its voice.

Moreover, the scale has a tendency of rapid expansion and rise.

The sudden appearance of 3Y directly integrated most of the scattered small factories in the market.

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