Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4797: Die together

The pain seemed to be contagious, and it even hurt in her head.

Rong Yan's body shook involuntarily and almost fell directly.

Yun Yi hugged her tightly, separated her upper body slightly, looked at her anxiously and asked.

"What's wrong with you? Did you hurt somewhere in there just now?

Don't be afraid, I will take you to the doctor right away. "

He stood there and relaxed for a while, the dizziness and pain in his head gradually disappeared.

Shaking his head, "I'm fine."

However, Yun Yi was worried, his eyes were full of worry, his big hands clasped her waist tightly, for fear that she might accidentally fall again.

However, this situation is different in the eyes of others.

It seemed as if the face deliberately threw herself into his arms.

Now it was the turn of Shen Qiu next to her to look ugly.

After all, Su Ling is also known to be his fiancee.

At the beginning of their engagement ceremony, it was Yun Yi who made trouble and ruined their engagement ceremony, which has been embarrassing once.

Now, besides them, there are still so many workers watching.

Yun Yi once again became so close to Su Ling in front of everyone, how could this make his face hang.

Pursing lips, "Su Ling, come to me."

Over there, the face stabilized his body, slightly trying to push Yun Yi away to Shen Qiu's side.

However, Yun Yi is not willing, this is his wife, why should he listen to that Shen Qiu, come to him.

The hands holding the face even harder, and pulled her behind him.

He raised his head and said to Shen Qiu, "What kind of thing do you dare to shout to my wife like this."

The look on Shen Qiu's face is even more ugly, "Yun Yi, everyone knows that Su Ling is my fiancee.

When you ruined our engagement ceremony, I think your wife has passed away and did not settle accounts with you.

However, this does not mean that I can let you **** my fiancee.

Now, I want you to let go immediately. "

Yun Yi sneered, "I don't care how many layers of identity you put on her, the face is my wife.

Whether I am alive or dead, she can only be my wife, and no one wants me to let go. "

Shen Qiu's face was pale, "So, you mean, even if you die, you will drag her to die together?"

His original intention was to tell Rong Yan to make it clear that Yun Yi was a lunatic.

Unexpectedly, Yun Yi didn't care at all, and he didn't hesitate to say, "Yes, I and her live and die together."

He is selfish and paranoid. He can't tolerate it. If he is dead, he will find another man and be with another man, doing that kind of intimate thing every day.

Instead of that, he would rather pull her to die with him.

By the same token, if his face died, he would never live one more day in this world.

Before in their time and space, his face suddenly disappeared. If it hadn't been for Little Mango to tell him with absolute certainty, he could feel that his mummy must still be alive in this world, and he would have followed his face to death.

He knew that his thoughts were abnormal, but he didn't care whether he was scolded for being selfish or perverted.

There is one more important reason.

The one who loved each other died, and the one left was the most painful.

He is unwilling to leave his face alone to bear the pain.

Of course, he was confident that no matter what happened, he would never die before his face and let her bear it all alone.

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