From the initial disgust, she will subconsciously feel at ease as long as he is around.

He didn't say anything, but she just knew that no matter what happened, he would always stand behind her to protect her, and she was not afraid of anything.

After a long time, even she herself will not be able to tell whether all this is true or not.

In many cases, she even felt that she was his face.

The woman he has always loved, and he is willing to give everything for her.

But her consciousness clearly knew that she was not, she was just Su Ling.

She told herself to stay away from him and stop being deceived by his rhetoric. His affection was not for her.

But every time he appears, her eyes will be attracted to him involuntarily, and she will involuntarily want to approach him.

She would even dream of being caught by him...

In the dream, she not only did not resist, she also took the initiative to linger with him in various ways.

Rong Yan raised his hand and grabbed the hair on his head, but his head still couldn't help but think of him.

It's like she was in the factory before, and she didn't even think about it...

Is this the so-called liking, emotional?

However, Yun Yi's kind of dead hooligan is obviously the type of man she hates most.

He got up irritably, ran to the bathroom to turn on the faucet, and put a handful of cold water on his face.

It is completely useless to want to clear my head.

Simply put a whole basin of cold water in the sink, and plunged all of his face into the water directly.

The sound of rushing water rang in my ears, as time passed, the air in my lungs was squeezed out little by little, and my head became blank due to lack of oxygen, and I finally gained a moment of peace.

The communicator on the wrist suddenly rang at no time, and his face gritted his teeth to ignore it, but the bell kept ringing persistently.

Rong Yan had to gritted his teeth and got up and clicked on the communication.

"Ling'er, what's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable?" On the communication device, Su Heng said pretentiously, looking at the drops of water on her face.

"If you feel unwell, go home as soon as possible, and I will check it with a private doctor immediately, so as not to..."

Rong Yan was irritable, and she was not in the mood to listen to his false concern, so she interrupted him directly.

"I have something to do. I will go back naturally when I'm done."

After finishing talking, Su Heng over there immediately pressed the hang up button before he could speak again.

Looking down at the clothes on her body that had been soaked by water, perhaps because of the cold water, the old wound on her body that was injured by the rough stone began to faintly hurt again.

She was irritable at first, and the wound hurt, and she only felt unspeakable suffocation in her chest.

He raised his hand and pulled the clothes on his body directly, took a piece of clothing in the cabinet and changed it, then turned and walked to the window, opened the window, and turned it over.

Rong Yan could not help but frown when she noticed that someone was following her after driving.

She probably could guess what was going on, and she didn't bother to care about it, and let the person follow.

The car unconsciously drove on the road for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a bar.

Rong Yan got out of the car and walked in directly towards the feasting place.

As soon as I entered the door, I was almost hurt by the deafening music in my ears. The light inside was dim, and there were small beams of light on the ceiling, dazzling people.

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