Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4804: love at first sight

She didn't know why she felt so depressed in her heart.

It was as if there was a heavy boulder blocking her chest, and it became difficult for her to breathe.

There was an inexplicable sourness in his eyes, something wanted to flow out.

The scenery on both sides of the car window kept flying by, but Yan Yan's heart became more and more blocked, and the whole person was about to explode.


The face finally couldn't help it, and yelled out of the car window.

She thought that she was probably crazy, and she had a pitfall in her mind, so she believed those words of Yun Yi.

He is a bastard, a dead hooligan, a big liar!

Raised his hand to the steering wheel in front of him and slammed several punches hard.

From today, she will never see Yun Yi again, a dead hooligan.

If she believes him again in the future, she will be the stupidest fool in the world!

If he dared to appear in front of her again, she would see him kill him once.

I drove on the high-altitude track all night, until the sky was light, and then she returned to her own residence outside.

She hadn't slept all night, and returned to her own place, but she didn't even feel sleepy.

The face was lying on the bed tossing for a long time, thinking of Yun Yi that bastard, her heart became angry.

After thinking about it, I got up and went to the study to turn on the computer.

I want to search the Internet for information about Rongyan, Yunyi, and Little Mango.

As long as a person exists in this world, he will definitely leave a message.

If the face really existed in this world, it would be impossible not to leave a little clue.

And Yun Yi and Xiao Mango, who are these two people?

When I opened the webpage and was about to enter the name of the face, a news pop-up window popped up directly.

When she opened her face casually, she saw a big headline on the news.

Following Miss Su's marriage to Mr. Shen, the second Miss Su's good news is that they will marry the latest rising star of the Empire and the Federation, and Yun Yi, the president behind the 3Y!

Further down, there are some detailed introductions about 3Y and Yunyi.

And the touching description of Su Ruanhuang Yunyi's love at first sight.

At the end of the news, it was announced that Su and Yunyi's engagement ceremony will be held in three days.

The place where the engagement ceremony was held was the place where she and Shen Qiu held the engagement ceremony before.

Yun Yi was originally unknown, but the recent sudden rise of 3Y has attracted many people's attention.

After such an introduction in the news, I knew immediately.

In the comments, there was a lot of discussion, feeling that the two sisters of the Su family were really fate.

One looked for Mr. Shen, who was well-known in the Empire and the Federation, and the other looked for the most important dark horse in the military industry.

With these two, the Su Family, who was in decline, will not only not decline, but will also advance to glory.

Some lamented that it was good to have a daughter, and some lamented the fate of these two sisters. Of course, some people scolded them as vixens across the Internet.

Before, because of Shen Qiu's affairs, Yan Yan had been scolded once by those who were jealous. This time she was scolded once again because of Su Rongrong and Yunyi.

Rong Yan's mind was blank for a few seconds, what is the situation?

Yun Yi and Su Rou? Are you kidding me?

He almost beat Su Rou to death when he scolded her last time, how could he fall in love with her at first sight.

Besides, the dead gangster was fooling around with other women in the bar last night, and now he is announcing that he is going to be engaged to Su Rou?

What the **** is he doing?

Yan Yan gritted his teeth, raised his hand, turned on the communication device on his wrist, found Yun Yi's contact information, and called him directly.

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