Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 4807: She is the dumbest pig in the world

After gnashing his teeth for a long time, he pulled Yun Yi and walked towards the restaurant.

Trying to put on a twisted smile on his face, "My sister didn't come home last night and was so angry early in the morning, why, quarrel with Mr. Shen?

Or is Mr. Shen already dumping you? "

She sneered, "You should take care of yourself first and take care of the one next to you."

Raising his hand, he directly threw the fork in his hand towards Su Rou.

Su Rou dodged backwards in a hurry. Although she was good at her skill, she still couldn't see enough in front of her face.

In addition, I was too screaming before, and I thought Yun Yi would stop her for her, but I didn't even think that Yun Yi would stand beside her and didn't even move his fingers at all.

The hurried hands finally hid, turning his head to stare at Yun Yi next to him, but Yun Yi didn't even give her a look.

I had to turn my head and face his face with anger, "Su Ling, you..."

"If you don't want to eat a knife, your mouth will be cut open, so just shut your mouth tightly."

Rong Yan took a knife in his hand and cut a few **** the egg on the plate in front of him, but his eyes stared at Yun Yi fiercely.

It was as if what she was cutting at the moment was not an egg, but the dead gangster Yun Yi.

"Enough, what was the quarrel early in the morning, and you still think the morning is not embarrassing enough?

Fortunately, Mr. Yun directly announced in front of the media that he would be engaged to you, otherwise, where would we put the face of the Su family. "

Su Heng walked downstairs and reprimanded Su Rou.

Then he turned his head and greeted Yun Yi, "Mr. Yun, I made you laugh."

"Father, look, didn't I bring people back to you."

Su Rou stepped forward and said in a sigh, she didn't forget to complain, "It's my sister, I don't know what happened to Mr. Shen.

I can't handle Mr. Shen, so he sent all the anger to me early in the morning. "

Rong Yan heard Su Heng's words, and then took a closer look at Su Rou, only then did she react.

Isn't the clothes Su Rou wearing the same woman she saw with Yun Yi in the bar last night?

It's just that all her attention was put on Yun Yi at the time, and she didn't pay attention to who the woman next to him was, she just glanced roughly.

Therefore, Yun Yi was with Su Rou last night...

Recalling Su Heng's words just now, it should be that the two were caught together early in the morning, not knowing why they were caught by the media, so Yun Yi simply took the opportunity to directly confess the relationship between the two in front of the media and announced the engagement.

Thinking of this, his face was almost grinning.

very good!

Yun Yi's work is really simple and neat.

She didn't want to think about whether Yun Yi approached her because of the original stone.

Because there was still no way to get news from her, have you decided to start with Su Rou now?

Thinking of her yesterday...

She is really a pig, the stupidest pig in the world, so she gave that thing to Yun Yi yesterday.

Next to him, Su Heng and Shi Mengmei had already sat down.

After a brief greeting with Yun Yi, a robot delivered the breakfast.

Su Rou took the fruit from the plate in front of him for a while and brought it to Yun Yi's lips.

After a while, he said that he couldn't eat it, and gave Yun Yi all the fried eggs on his plate.

While acting like a baby, he looked at his face proudly.

Yun Yi's dead rogue opened his mouth and ate it without changing his face, and occasionally yelled at Su Heng's words.

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