"What is the matter with you and Shen Qiu?"

Rong Yan obviously traveled through their time and space, so why did she become the eldest lady of the Su family inexplicably?

And also became Shen Qiu's fiancee?

If it hadn't been for him to rush here in time, which would have spoiled their engagement ceremony, would Yan Yan have been with Shen Qiu...

Thinking of this, Yun Yi raised his hand and pinched his face's jaw, gritted his teeth and said, "Have you and Shen Qiu..."

After taking a slight breath, he continued, "Have you been together? Did he do something you shouldn't do to you?"

Yun Yi looked at her with fierce eyes. If that **** Shen Qiu really dared to do anything to her face, he would kill him now.

Rong Yan raised her eyebrows, "How about doing it? I was originally his fiancee."

Who made this guy always play tricks on her before, now it's his turn.

She wants this guy to have a taste of being teased.

Yun Yi instantly exploded with anger, "I killed him."

Without paying attention to the questions he wanted to ask before, he lifted the blanket on his body, turned over Rongyan calmly, got out of bed and rushed out of the door.

"You come back to me."

His face sullenly said.

Although Yun Yi stopped after listening to Rong Yan's words, he stood still on the spot angrily, stubbing his neck and not turning his head.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Rong Yan's order not to let him kill Shen Qiu.

Rong Yan picked up the clothes from the ground and threw them on him, "Put the clothes on."

Yun Yi turned around, returned to the bed, hugged her with a depressed face, "He..."

He wanted to ask what Shen Qiu had done to her, but when the words came to his lips, he shut up again in frustration.

What else can men do to women?

She stood up abruptly, kissed her face fiercely, and then kissed her neck inch by inch like a kitten licking its fur.

She seemed to want to cleanse all the traces Shen Qiu had left on her body once.

His face couldn't help but couldn't help laughing or crying. Seeing that this **** was about to kiss more excessively, with his temperament, he didn't know what he would do with this.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand and pushed him away, and said angrily, "No, I didn't do anything.

People are not as beasts as you, they play hooligans the first time they meet. "

The anger that rose in Yun Yi's heart finally extinguished a little.

However, this does not mean that he does not care about Shen Qiu.

Even if nothing happens, engagement will not work.

Sooner or later he will find Shen Qiu to settle accounts.

As for now, he has to follow the goblin to settle accounts first.

He opened his mouth and bit her, her face hurt and itchy from being bitten by him, busy struggling to push him away.

However, where Yun Yi was willing to let her go, he directly put the person in his arms and kissed him fiercely.

According to the people, I tossed for a long time.

This person has a lot of tricks, not only toss her, but also changes her tricks, putting her in various shapes to suit him.

His face was tossed by him and even the strength to speak was almost gone, this person was still not satisfied.

She kept saying that she should make up for everything she owed since she left.

What else is said to be counted as seven times a day.

If it weren't for the lack of energy right now, Yan Yan really wanted to kick him downstairs directly.

"Wife, I still want it." Yun Yi said, lying in her ear.

The hands began to sag downward again.


The face slapped his hand away.

Yun Yi snorted, and re-drew the person into his arms, "See you, you still dare not lie to me in the future."

The face glared at him, "Who lied to whom?"

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